
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dayne's Room Makeover

A year in the making (talking, more like it) and a couple weeks' worth of work has come to fruition!

Here is Dayne's new room! Now if it stays clean for more than ten minutes, it might be worth the time I spent beautifying it. I told her if she didn't keep it clean I'd have to bill her for my time ...

Before ...

After ...

Too bad Dayne doesn't have any babies to play with, huh?

The girls - - who went to bed waaaay past their bed time tonight!

What Kind of a World Do You Want?

I have already verified via that this is true, so it's worth passing along:

The band, Five for Fighting, is generously donating $0.40 to Autism Speakseach time this video is viewed. The funding goes toward research studies tohelp find a cure. When you have a moment, please visit the link below towatch the video and pass it along. They are aiming for 10,000 hits, buthopefully we can help them to surpass this goal.

Most of you know my step sister, Katie, has autism. My mother in law has also spent a lot of time working with families with children who have autism. By proxy, autism has become an area of increased awareness for me.

Please take the time to view the video - - it is quite touching and only takes a little over 3 minutes.
This is my dad and wonderful step mom, Susan. Two very strong, patient and special people! XOXO

Monday, January 28, 2008

Return of the Hansen Blogspot!

No, we have not fallen off the face of the Earth! Just caught up on the boredom and monotony of every day life. Let's see . . . What have we been up to since Christmas? Well ... I will do my best to sum it all up!


December 26th - Surprise visitors!

Gretchen and the kids were thinking about visiting us in KC, but we unsure if they'd be able to visit. Wednesday evening we were watching Bones, when the doorbell rang. I assumed it was Lauren but was pleasantly surprised to see Gretchen and the kids standing at the front door! They stayed through the 31st! Sadly, the only picture I captured during their visit was this one: Oz getting on the couch, trying to get some attention!

December 31st - Graden's aunt Marilyn & uncle Dick & Zoe (Graden's cousin's daughter) came to visit us for the day! We hadn't seen them since September, so it was a nice visit! Zoe ended up staying the night - - much to the delight of both the girls!


January 13th: Fast forward a few days .... er, .... weeks and you can see that I finally mustered up the energy to clean Dayne's bedroom! It was a MESS! Funny thing though: just a day after I got it all cleaned up I got a hair up my butt to paint it, so I torn it up again in preparation for painting it. I had been planning to for over a year now, so it was long over due! I will post pictures once it is complete!


January 19th - Hunter's basketball Game. Well, the @$$whooping season continues. 41-28 was the final score. The coach's profound words of wisdom during the post-game meeting: "At least we didn't lose by twice as much!" Wow. Basketball lasts a few more weeks. I think Hunter is ready for the season to be over. He enjoys playing, but would appreciate a team that is more in sync.

January 20th - Visit to Joplin, MO.

We went to Joplin, MO to visit Graden's family and so he could go hunting with Dick. Unfortunately, they didn't get any ducks, but we had a great visit! These pictures are of Dick & Marilyn's house. It is on the river and the stream runs through it, with a view of the falls. It is very peaceful there! The kids and I went on a nature walk. Here are some pictures and video:

Video 2:

Dick & Marilyn's house - - Next to the river, with a creek running under the house.

The kids in front of the Ruestman house.

The Falls - - as viewed from the Ruestman home.

Hunter "Survivorman" crossing the pond.

The kids and me!

Dayne and Zoe - being silly!

Hunter being silly!


January 24th - Trip to Clear Lake, IA - - Graden was in a wedding for his friend, Mike Vinci. The wedding was very pretty - - the bride looked like Wedding Barbie! It was a winter themed wedding and was decorated very elegant & classy. We had a great time! And to make it even better was that my BFF Jen was there with her boyfriend, Chris (Graden's "fishing wife" - - they spend a lot of fishing tournaments together). Their friend, Adam, and his girlfriend, Renee, were also there - so we had a lot of fun! There was a couple there who didn't know anyone else, but since it as a valuable weekend away without the kids she wanted to make the most of it! She told her husband as they walked into the reception room, that she wanted to sit with the funnest people there. And guess where they chose: our table! They were a fun couple! She called be Britney (she forgot my name) so we called her Giselle "Gizzy" for the remainder of the night. She was a good sport about it! We left Clear Lake about 10am and headed for Waterloo, to pick up our niece, Kylie. She came home with us to stay for two weeks, until we take Donna home on February 8th. (Sniff, sniff .... we will MISS HER!!). Here are some pics from the wedding and car ride home:

Graden and Malinda, bridesmaid.

The bride, Lindsey, and her father.

The happy couple during the ceremony.

That's me and my BFF - Jen "Fer"

That's Jen and her b/f Chris

On the car ride from Waterloo to Lee's Summit Kylie and "Uncle" stayed busy tickling each other! She stayed busy watching Dora and Monster House and singing (her own songs, I learned).

Kylie in the truck - singing and tickling!

Could he look any more like a redneck??!!? I love him though!

Here's a video of "Ky Ky" and Uncle tickling!

Since we were not able go to Ky's birthday party the day before, we had a mini-party for Kylie at our house. Presents from Uncle, Fifi, Hunter and Dayne and more from Nana! We celebrated with Pumpkin Pie!