
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Locks of Love

For the second time in her life, Dayne has donated ten inches of hair to the Locks of Love foundation! If you are not familiar with this program, please take a minute to visit their website! The organization uses donated hair to make wigs for children who have lost their hair due to illness, cancer, etc. It's a great feeling knowing we've helped a child feel a little bit more "normal" amid all the challenges they are facing with their health!

Several years ago a friend at work (Affina, if that tells you how long ago it was!) told me about Locks of Love and inspired me to chop all my hair off and donate it! As soon as Dayne's hair was long enough, I vowed to do the same with her hair. When she was 4 we donated hair ... and again today! Here are some before and after pictures and some video!

Before (this really was her idea ... She looks a wee bit tortured here but I promise she wasn't!)

Her hair sectioned off to make it easier to cut.

The four chunks of hair ... all ready to be packaged up and sent off! Looks like four dead animals I think.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

This morning on my way out the door Dayne BEGGED me to come to her Valentine's Day Party. I told her I would look at my schedule that day and see what I could do. The day was crazy - as usual, but I was able to leave for a long, late lunch and go to her party! I don't think she was expecting me at all! I stood watching her for about 5 minutes before she realized I was there!

The kids excheanged cards, ate snacks and played Valentine Bingo!

I figure there aren't too many more Valentine's Day parties she will WANT me to come to, so I was glad I went!

Dayne decorating her Valentine's Bag! As I stood and watched all the kiddos decorating their bags and handing out their cards I could remember very vividly how exciting valentine's day parties were! Ahh ... to be 8 again!

Dayne and her BFF, Lauren! Throwin' peace signs.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Metal Mouth!

Hunter got his top braces put on today!

He will get the bottom ones put on in a few weeks. He has a tooth that we have lovingly dubbed "Caveman tooth" that grew in sideways below his bottom teeth that has to be removed first. Here is my modified version of a x-ray to give you all a better idea ('cause I am sure you're just itching to know ALL the details of a caveman tooth!)

This is how Hunter will look for the next two years! Sad to think he will be a Junior in high school when they come off!

(and yes, he DID comb his hair today. But you really can't tell that.)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Today's haps

Today was pretty uneventful but I wanted an excuse to post a video of Kylie - thus, my posting! I am sure her family wants to "see" her!

Hunter had a basketball game this afternoon. Unfortunately they lost 55-25. Next Saturday is his last game. He actually has a double header (is that what you call it for basketball, too?). Hunter said he's pretty excited to get beat badly twice in one day. Whoo-hoo.

After his game the girls went to lunch at Jason's Deli then went to the grocery store. Now we are all just puttering around the house - I am doing a bit of cleaning, Graden and Hunter are watching America's Most Wanted and Donna is "stretching out" (that's what she calls it when she naps).

Dayne taught Ky-Ky how to slide, so she's had some fun today doing that. It works really good on the kitchen floor!

She and Donna go home this Friday. It's been so great having them here!