
Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009 @ Papa & Susan's Home

This year for Thanksgiving we traveled to Iowa to spend the long weekend with family!

We stayed at Dad & Susan's house and BOY! was it a full house! Susan's kids - Jeff, Tyler and Katie - also spent the long weekend at the house. It was great spending time with everyone and getting to know my step-brothers a bit better (I feel like I know Katie plenty well! :) )!

It was another reminder of all the things I miss about "home" - being close to my friends and family!

Also while we were "home" we went out for an evening of fun with the Benham's, Chad Mast and a few other locals! It was great to see everyone!

The kids playing on Papa's "Big" Tractor!

Hunter on the "little" tractor ... summer 1995:

Hunter on the "little tractor" ... November 2009.