
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Christmas In March!

Traditionally we celebrate Christmas with Dad & Susan in mid-January, but this year time just got away from us and before we knew it, it was March!

Dad & Susan arrived early Friday afternoon - Hunter's "new" truck in tow! - and we enjoyed the afternoon running errands trying to get the truck inspected & registered, etc. (unsuccessfully, I will add!). We made plans to "do" Christmas that evening and do some more shopping Saturday - Cabela's, The Plaza, etc. Lots of running around, but always a pleasure just to spend time with Dad & Susan!

Interesting fact about Kansas City and Fountains: Only Rome has more fountains than Kansas City! They are everywhere; and they are very pretty! There are over 250 in the area! If you are ever in the Kansas City area, check it out! Here is a lis of many of the fountains in the area:

The fountain featured in these pictures is the Pomona Fountain.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Loss of A Friend

Sadly, Donna's best friend, Liz, passed away this past weekend. Liz and Donna had been friends for over 30 years and went through a lot of good times, and not-so-good times together.

Liz (AKA Mimi Liz) will be missed by your many friends!

Dayne, Kylie, TJ, Hunter


On a positive note, any time we spend in town, we like to be able to get together with our friends! I was so happy that Chris & Jen were able to drive to Waterloo to visit us and join us, and the Benhams, for dinner and beverages!

We spent a lot of time visiting Dad & Susan while in Waterloo. It was really nice to see them again, so soon! They had just been to Lee's Summit for the weekend a few weeks ago (we were a bit late having Christmas!). Susan and I even spent some time bonding while "Sweatin' to the Oldies!"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Watch Out Lee's Summit Road Patrons!

Hunter got his driver's license a few weeks ago and this past weekend Papa & Susan visited and were so kind as to deliver his truck (we bought it from a friend in Waterloo who owns a car dealership)!

While Hunter is an "okay" driver, it still frightens me to think of him driving all by himself ... without me there to boss him around! I have to remind myself that I wasn't *always* a perfect driver, right!? : )
It will be nice that Hunter is able to take himself to school on days he needs to go early ... or go to a friend's house and, eventually, take Dayne to a friends house!