
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010 & New Years 2011!

The Hansen Christmas Decorations
As with each Christmas that approaches, I think the same thing, "How can it be Christmas already!?"

This year for Christmas we made plans to travel back home to Waterloo to celebrate the holidays.

The kids getting ready for our pre-Christmas day celebrations
We traveled to Waterloo on December 23rd, staying at Gretchen's house for a few days and then on to my dad's house for a day.

Me with the girls!
After a day of shopping and lunching, after digging ourselves out of the driveway!!, we came home and did a little sledding!

Dayne enjoying a snow snack!
Kylie taking a trip down the hill!
TJ opening his present from the Hansen Family: a Cubs clock

I think Graden is saying he'd like some more au jus?
After some bonding time with the Peterson Family and Nana, we headed to my dad's house to celebrate Christmas with Dad, Susan and her kids and their significant others!

Later we got all sorts of crazy playing games such as "Catch Phrase" ... One of my favorite things to do at Dad's house is to play games!

Being goofy.

Bringing in the New Year!

Our friends, Adam & Renee, had tickets to the Chiefs football game on January 2nd, so they came down for a visit and brought in the New Year with us!

The four of us before we headed out for dinner!
We enjoyed a delicious meal in a very classy restaurant, Pierpont's, which is inside the Kansas City landmark Union Station.  Below is the Christmas Tree at Union Station - - it was so beautiful and gigantic!

After dinner we went to a NYE party at a friend of a friends - the same party we had gone to the year before.  We enjoyed playing games, pool, sipping wine and meeting new friends!

Happy New Year!

Adam was so kind to volunteer to prepare and cook a New Years Day brunch for everyone!  I had to work at 6am on New Year's day so I didn't get to enjoy it with the rest of the bunch :(.