
Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Tubing We Went

Each summer we go tubing on the Iowa River in Eldora, Iowa. When I say "we" I mean a whole slew of people: me, Graden, Gretchen, Trista & Family, Jennifer ... just to name a few.

This year was a little different because Graden didn't go (he wanted to fish in a tournament) and instead I let Hunter go with us. I say "let" because things get a little wild on the Iowa River. Lots of drinking + young college kids (not implying this is us - we are no longer 'young') = bad choices and occasional nudity. But, I figure he is 14 and not as sheltered as I'd like to think. So ... he went with tubing with me.

The day started out by us arriving at Trista's camp site about 10:00 in the morning and setting up our coolers and blowing up our tubes. A lot of planning goes into these trips! We made our lunches, made our beverages and then loaded up the trucks and headed to the river! The float is about 4 miles and usually takes about 4 hours, but because of all the flooding over the summer the water was higher and quicker than usual (this turned out to be a factor in some upcoming excitement on the trip). We got in the water about 11 and headed on down the river, ready for some rest, relaxation and some sunshine! All was perfect (although the water could have been about 10 degrees warmer!) ... for now.

Because Hunter was with me, I made a conscious effort to monitor my alcoholic intake (a decision that would later prove to be wise). I also had to be on the lookout for any inappropriate "displays of affection" among other tubers, any flashers or inappropriate discussions I may have needed to intervene. It was a lot of work just keeping him innocent on the trip! He had a lot of fun though, so I am glad he came along.

About two-thirds into our trip we decided we'd enjoy a sandwich so there we were: Gretchen, me and Hunter all interlocked with each other in our tubes, along with two additional tubes with our coolers in them - - so a total of 5 tubes and 3 people all intertwined. A decision that would prove to be a bad one in about 5 minutes .... because about 5 minutes after we started enjoying our sammiches we came around a bend in the river (which all of the sudden was raging!?!??!) and even more threatening was a bunch of tree branches hanging low and part way into the river. We no more than looked up from adoring our sammiches to see we were headed right for the tree branches and we knew we were screwed. Let me correct that - - we were SCREWED!!! I tried to duck to avoid getting my eyes poked out (and eating the tree) and in doing so, tipped out of my tube and got swept away down the raging river. About 25 feet down river I finally got my footing (luckily the river is not deep), but it was all I could do to just stay standing, let along head back up stream to help Hunter and Gretchen, who were literally stuck in the trees - still attached to their tubes. At first I was laughing, but then when I didn't see Gretchen and Hunter come floating down I started to worry because I couldn't even see them. Remember when I said I was glad I monitored my alcoholic intake - this is why. If I was in my usual 'tubing' state, I would have been even more worthless.

Luckily there were three guys with us who were in canoes who were able to easily move up stream and get out of their canoes, and cross over to help get Hunter and Gretchen out of the branches. It was a mess because of all the twine we had used to tie us to each other and the cooler tubes to us. It took about 15 minutes to get them out and get us back on track. All the while, our coolers had tipped over so our drinks and food was all floating - I mean RAGING! - by me.

After all was said and done, we laughed about it but also realized it was pretty scary. But not scary enough to stop us from going tubing again that day! Since the float went by so fast we decided to drive back to the drop off point at the river and go one more time!

We got out of the river (the 2nd and final time) about 7 and then headed back to the campsite, ready for some R&R and dinner! Well, Mother Nature had different plans. As you may recall it had been a rough summer on Iowa from a weather perspective and that day was no different. It started to pour down rain and then ... the tornado sirens went off. Can't we Iowans catch a break already!?!?

Fortunately, the sirens were short lived but the rain was not so we spent the evening cooped up in the Benham camper and just sat around and chatted. That was nice, though! : ) Any time spent with my friends is a good time for me!

Sorry I don't have any pictures of the tubing trip ... but even if I had brought my camera it'd be at the bottom of the river so I guess it's best I didn't bring my camera. You all will have to rely on your imagination for what that scene must have looked like!

Can't wait for next summer's tubing trip!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Dayne's 9th Birthday Party!

Dayne had three friends over to have her "friends" birthday party (we had the "family" birthday party last Sunday!)!

The party wasn't quite as estravagant as last year's party, but they girls had fun and everyone got along perfect!

The guests arrived about 3:00 and despite the drab weather, we went to the pool and the girls had the whole pool to themselves!

After the pool we went back to the house and the girls at Tacos for dinner and we had Special K bars with Ice Cream (Dayne's request - instead of cake!). Next Dayne opened her gifts and then the girls played and sang and played and sang!

After they'd had enough singing (and video taping themselves!) they settled down for the night and watched the Disney movie "Camp Rock." They finally fell asleep about 2am and were knocked out til I woke them up at 10:45 this morning!

After they had some cereal for breakfast we headed back to the pool ... today's weather was perfect! The girls played Sharks & Minnows and Marco Polo!

Thanks to Olivia, Parker and Taylor for celebrating Dayne's birthday with her!

9th Birthday Pics!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nanny Summer Visit 2008

Nanny & Patrick's visit!

A few months back Mom / Nanny and I decided that we were long over due for a visit! Mom and Patrick headed to Lee's Summit on Wednesday July 2nd!

The visit started out kind of rough ... we were having a pretty good storm that evening and unfortunately, it lasted long into the night! Their plane was scheduled to land about 10:30pm, getting them to our house about midnight. Well, since Mother Nature had other plans, they had to circle around the KC area and were unable to land due to all the lightening, etc. After about an hour the pilot explained they were going to run out of fuel, so they had to go to Omaha, NE to land the plane and refuel. Long story short .... they ended up at the front door a little after 3pm. What a long day for them!!

Thursday 7/3:

Mom and Patrick tried to get some rest and we all slept in a bit! We spent the day just lounging around, sitting on the deck and chatting and relaxing! The Peterson Family and Donna were due to arrive late Thursday night so we just took it easy in anticipation of more guests!

Mom and Patrick turned in for the night about 10 that night and the Petersons and Donna arrived a little after 1:00 that night/early morning. It was a long day for them, too, so we all just headed to bed!

Friday 7/4: Happy Independance Day!

We spent a lot of the day at the pool on the 4th! It was a hot one! All of the kids really enjoyed themselves and got a little sun - - but not too much!

That night we enjoyed a nice dinner of grilled burgers, brats and hot dogs ... and of course Mom's Potato salad and deviled eggs!

I tried to tell everyone that our neighborhood takes the 4th of July pretty serious with their fireworks! I am not real sure they beleived me then ... but they do now! From about 7pm til about 1am the fireworks were constant! And by fireworks I don't mean sparklers and smoke bombs .... I mean FIREWORKS!! Like the kind you see at baseball games and real events! We had a perfect view of the celebration from our very own driveway! It was great! Sadly, we only took one picture though!

Saturday, 7/5

Saturday we spent the day lounging around then headed to the mall ... we just had to get out of the house and it was too hot to just sit outside! Mom and Patrick wanted to take Dayne shopping for her birthday ... so she picked out an outfit from Limited Too, some new shoes and a new suitcase! Thank you Nanny and Patrick!

That evening we hung out on the deck and just chitter chatted (as Mom would say!) and really just enjoyed all the company! The kids caught (or at last tried to) lightening bugs, too!

Sunday, 7/6 - - Happy 9th Birthday, Dayne!! ~ ~

So hard to beleive my "baby girl" is 9 years old already! Where does the time go!??!

We celebrated Dayne's birthday with a trip to the pool, a nice steak dinner (of course ... only the finest in taste!) opening gifts, and cake & ice cream!

Some of the things Dayne got for her birthday:
  • Nintendo DS (she had to pay half ... Mom & Dad aren't 100% crazy or loaded!)
  • Game for her Nintendo DS
  • Outfit from Limited Too
  • Hannah Montana suit case
  • Two new pairs of shoes
  • Two new webkins (that's 11 now!)
  • New Jammies from Limited Too
  • Hannah Montana shirt
  • $50 savings bond
  • Another new outfit
  • ... more new clothes
  • ... more new clothes!

What a lucky girl to have all these visitors to celebrate your special day with you!

Monday July 7th:

Patrick, Dayne, Mom, Hunter and Tiffany

World's of Fun - - Here We Come!
We arrived at the park around 11:30am and stayed until the park closed at 10pm! We picked a great day to go - the sun was out all day and it was one of the hottest days we have had all summer, but the water rides kept us cool! We rode rides until about 2:30 then headed back to the parking lot for our picnic style lunch, then headed back for more fun, fun, fun and rides, rides, rides!

At 5:00 Gretchen and I braved the Rip Cord! I did this last year when I went to WOF, but this was Gretchen's first time! It was a blast .... but a little scarier this time than I remember it being! Maybe my additional year in age adds up to better decision making .... or maybe not!

Gretchen was excited and nervous about doing it, but mostly excited! She did however take precaution and went potty right before we went on the ride! We got all strapped in our harnesses for the ride then were hoised 180 feet in the air! About 50 feet into the air Gretchen started having a minor panic attack explaining to me she was "serious" that she was scared. She went on and on and the whole time I am just patting her hand thinking, "What do you want me to do about it now!??!?" ... and then I pulled the "rip cord" and we free fell! She LOVED it!

This is about the moment Gretchen started to panic.

Tuesday 7/8:

The Peterson Family and Donna left about 11am on Tuesday morning so Mom, Patrick the Kids and I spent the morning lounging and relaxing ... then headed to lunch at Atlanta Bread Company. The weather was crappy (raining) so we went to Oak Park Mall to buy Patrick a new hat. The rest of the day we just hung out ... and enjoyed each other's company!

Wednesday 7/9:

We had a lazy morning and ate a nice bacon and eggs breakfast and then just lounged around until mid afternoon when Nanny and Patrick had to leave for the airport. : (


Thank you to all of our visitors .... it was great having you in our home and we enjoy the time we have with our family! Please come back soon! We look forward to the next time we see each other!

Hugs and kisses to you all!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dayne Visits Dog Island!

Dayne had the wonderful opportunity to go back to Dog Island this summer with Dick, Marilyn & Zoe! Dayne went to Joplin on Tuesday June 17th and they left for the island the next morning! They arrived on the island on Friday afternoon and enjoyed the next full week on the island!

Dayne (and Zoe) had a few rough moments where they missed their mama's, but overall did very well! They

  • played in the sun and sand
  • went crabbing
  • saw an alligator at the dock
  • saw dolphins swimming just yards from them in the ocean
  • just to name a few!

We are hopeful that we get another chance to visit this wonderful place! If you aren't sure of what/where Dog Island is, check out my post from our trip last summer! It's a small (1 mile wide, 7 miles long) piece of heaven!

Thank you to Dick and Marilyn for allowing Dayne to accompany you on your vacation! We are very grateful for all the wonderful memories you have provided our family with!


Tiffany & Graden