
Saturday, March 28, 2009

No, we haven't fallen off the face of the Earth ...

Well .... it HAS been a long, long time since I have posted on our blog! Lots of things have happened ... but it never seems all that exciting that it is worth blogging about I guess!

Probably the biggest change is that our household headcount is one less! Graden's mom (Donna/Nana) had been with us since Christmas Day and went home on Sunday March 22nd. We really enjoyed having her with us ... and it was warmer and safer for her to be here, too. It worked perfect! Dayne told Donna that her favorite time of the year was winter because it was the time that Nana came to stay with us! Needless to say, that warmed Nana's heart!

Rewinding just a bit ...

I had the week of March 16th off for Spring Break - as did the kids. The kids and I headed to Waterloo the afternoon of Friday March 13th and spent a few days with Papa & Susan, Gretchen and Jennifer and Trista! I was so lucky to get so many people "in" during my visit!

We got in on Friday evening and enjoyed dinner with Dad and Susan at Carlos O'Kelley's -- one of our favorite places to eat while in "The 'Loo!" After dinner we headed to Gretchen's place and hung out with her and the kids! Saturday Gretchen left for a planned weekend away with a friend of hers so I kept the kids for the morning until Dennis came to get them (and Dayne!) and take them to the park for a few hours. They all had a blast ... Thanks Dennis for letting her tag along!
Saturday I had a baby shower for my friend from High School so Jen and I met at Carols O'Kelley's for a refreshing beverage (is that wrong?!?). This is us at the shower! Nicole (on the far right in front in black & white) is SOOO adorable! She should be a pregnancy poster!

Later that evening Jen and I met Trista & Bryan for dinner (Mexican food of course!) then headed to Trista's mom's place to hang out, see baby Lexie and watch "Role Models" (This was the third night in a row I had watched it - - it is hilarious (but raunchy, so beware!)). Then Jen and I headed back to Gretchen's place and called it a night.

Sunday started out great - Jen and I took the kids to breakfast at Village Inn (another Waterloo Favorite place to eat!). After breakfast we headed to Papa & Susan's house to hang out for the day and night!

Sunday night we played "Pit" - it's a card game that sounds very boring when trying to explain it, but it is so much fun! It get so animated and loud ... it's very funny to watch everyone's reaction! The gist of the game is to trade commodities (i.e. corn, barley) ... the first person who gets all the cards of one commodity - wins! Watch the video .... and see how LOUD Hunter and Papa get!!

The kids and I headed back home on Monday afternoon ... bringing TJ and Kylie home with us!

Gretchen came to Lee's Summit Wednesday night about 9:30 ... and we got started with our Scrappin' Mania! We scrapped (or were doing scrap related activities!) almost non-stop from Wednesday night until Sunday morning! We scrapped until 4am on two nights .. and til 2am on the other nights! I think we each got about 30 pages done! Whew!
To make our Scrappin' Mania that much easier, Graden's aunt Marilyn had the idea for Dayne, TJ and Kylie to come stay with her in Joplin for two days! > SWEET! <>

The girls enjoying a leisurly bath in the Jacuzzi tub!

Donna, Gretchen and the kids headed home Sunday late afternoon .... it was oddly quiet. Can't wait for their next visit for Easter!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009