
Saturday, June 13, 2009

A weekend at the lake

Dayne went to Iowa with Donna the day after school got out ... so it has been just the three of us for a few weeks. Quiet ... clean ... but missing my baby girl! We talk every night, and on nights she is especially tired, she cries for me and tells me, 'I waaant you!' You have to hear it ... it is so sad.

We debated whether or not to head to Iowa for the weekend, for a mini-reunion of Graden's classmates or if we should go to Grand Lake for the weekend and hang out with Graden's Aunt and Uncle at their new lake house. We decided on the latter and headed to the lake Friday night after work ... and were treated to a wonderful dinner: jumbo shrimp, fresh grilled veggies (one of Dick's specialities!), breadsticks and watermelon!

The weather was perfect .... very hot! The boys did some fishing off the dock, helped take some extra furniture to storage, took a nap or two ... and just enjoyed the company of family! We settled some plans for our upcoming visit to Dog Island! We are all very excited!!