
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Family Visit to Joplin

Each year we go on a tubing trip down the Iowa river, but this year we decided not to go since we'd both be headed to Iowa in just a couple weeks for a different event (Graden to fish and me for a long weekend with 9 other "girls" on a houseboat rental adventure!). Rather than just sit at home though, we thought we'd take a trip to see the McGinnins' in Joplin!

Luke, their son who will be a Senior in High School this coming school year, had baseball playoffs and we'd been wanting to go down and watch him play ball. It ended up being great timing!

We arrived Friday evening, dropped by the McGinnis home for a while and then headed over to the hotel (Dayne had also brought along Lauren, one of her BFFs). The next day Luke played ball at 10:00 so we headed over to the ball fields (it was brutally hot!) and did our best to enjoy family time while enjoying a little ball! Sadly, Luke's team lost ... but we were all winners because not only did we get to spend time together but we then went on to enjoy a really good lunch at a local eatery in Joplin.

After lunch we headed back to the hotel so the girls could do a little swimming. After all, what's a hotel visit without a swim in the pool? Shortly after 6:00 we headed back over to the McGinnis' for dinner (grilled chops and yummy pototato bake!) and enjoy more time with Rocky & Mindy!
Luke had another game on Sunday afternoon that didn't go much better than the Saturday game, but ... some years that's just how it goes I guess! After the game we headed for home and got settled in and ready for another work week!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dayne's 11th Birthday Party Celebration

It sorta freaks me out to see those words in print: Dayne is eleven years old! We celebrated her birthday with a trip to Worlds of Fun (the second year in a row we've done so) with three of her friends!

We got to WOF a little after noon on Saturday 7.17 and stayed until it closed at midnight. Looong day .. but the girls had fun! Hunter and two of his friends also joined us, but they went their seperate ways for the day!

Here are some pics of the day!