
Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all!

What a wonderful Christmas it has been! We finally got to bring Donna home with us (for about a month!). We are very happy to have her here with us!

We stayed in Waterloo for an extra day and headed home on Monday instead of Sunday - getting home a little after 9pm. As we were unloading the truck we heard Santa's sleigh bells! Dayne got sooooooo excited! She was running around like a mad woman trying to get the truck unloaded so we could all go to bed! She kept telling me that she KNOWS I am Santa, so this was"proof" that I am NOT Santa Claus. It was perfect timing on Santa's part! Here is a video clip of her trying to hurry up and unpack!

After we got the truck unpacked and things put away we followed the family tradition and let them open one present early.
Dayne opened her Baby Alive (she's been a wee bit obsessed with it!) and Hunter got an iPod Classic. Finally, about 11pm we headed to bed .... and anxiously anticipated what Santa would bring by morning!
Dayne woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Santa had already been there and brought her a Hannah Montana outfit and High School Musical pop up hamper! She came into our room to tell us! The next morning she woke up about 9:30 and excitedly told me that she heard Santa! She heard his bells and she heard him eating his cookies!
Here are some videos of the kids opening a present:

After we were done opening presents we had cinnamon buns and scrambled eggs for breakfast and the kids played with their new toys and gadgets! The rest of the day was spent just lounging around ... poor Graden has the flu, so he hasn't been too perky!
Dayne as Santa's helper!
Graden as Santa's helper!
Hunter as Santa's helper!

Tiffany as Santa's helper!

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