
Friday, November 28, 2008

Mom, I have a stupid question ...

On the way home from the grocery store today Dayne says to me, "Mom, I have a question ... and I know it's stupid but ... Are pirates real?"

I had to explain that pirates are real. I tried to compare what they do to car jacking, but she didn't know what that was (I guess that's good?!). Oddly enough just a few hours later on Fox News Radio the story about the pirate hijacking off the coast of Somalia (I guess that's not real uncommon there?) came on and that offered more details on what Pirates are and what they do.

I did have to explain to her that they don't wear eye patches, have wooden legs or have Parrots perched on their shoulders. : ) What a pathetic thing to have to explain to your 9 year old daughter. Our world is so messed up ... I also had to explain to her that terrorists don't care if you're a kid: they'll kill anyone. How frightening it must be to a kid ... heck, to all of us.

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