
Saturday, December 6, 2008

We're Playin' Bas-ket-balllllllllllll !!!

(you have to imagine me singing that like in the movie Space Jam for it to be funny)

Today was packed with excitement and things to do!
9:00am - Dayne had her first basketball game of the season. This is also her first year playing basketball, so she is still in the initial learning stages. She is having fun, though! She got to play quite a bit in today's game and made a great pass! With just seconds left in the game the score was 10-11 and they were able to win the game ... but just barely! The buzzer went off just nano-seconds before the other time took a shot - - and made it! Whew!

Dayne is #1 on her team and her knickname is "Leopard."

During a team time out

Dayne dribbling the ball, ready to make a pass.

Half time score

11:00 am: Hunter had his (2nd) basketball game. He played the majority of the game and played pretty good (we call him "The Great White Hype") but the team lost in OT by 4 points. The heat was on towards the end of the game and there was a bit of a scuffle - see the video below. Hunter is in the middle of the screen (black shorts, white shoes) ... watch him strut over there like he was about to put a hurtin' on somebody! Good to see he knows the spirit of team work!

Here is a sequence shot of Hunter's free throw. He made the first one, but not the 2nd one.

Down to the last minute and thirty five seconds of the game. Hunter was bummed he was on the bench.

After Hunter's game we came home for lunch then headed back out to get our Christmas tree. Sadly, that's where the family engagement ended as the boys left shortly after we got home. They went to check out a hunting site, so Dayne and I put up the tree and decorations.
Dayne has a slumber party tonight so we went shopping to get a birthday gift (Webkin) and a few other needed items. I had big plans of taking a nap today, but I was toooooo busy! Boooo!!!!

Looking forward to a calm, uneventful night tonight!

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