
Sunday, January 25, 2009

Basketball Games!

Both the kids had basketball games this weekend. I am so glad they are involved in sports, and really hope we can find something else for Dayne after basketball season is over. (Hunter is always practicing and preparing for football!). Hunter even talks about going out for track this Spring! No lack of activity for Hunter!

Dayne's game was Saturday at 9:00. She even got possession of the ball (for about 6 dribbles!). Dayne is still visibly cautious (afraid?) of playing ... doesn't seem real sure of where she should be at or what she should be doing. Her team played really, really well ... but lost by one point! This was the same team they played last weekend and lost by 5 points, so this was better!

Dayne "arms up, arms up!" trying to block the incoming ball!
Dayne being guarded. Dayne seems to be looking right into the girl's eyes, certainly questioning why she's dancing like a frog! : )
Graden plans to work with her this Spring/Summer to get her a little more aggressive and understand the fundamentals a little better. She really seems to enjoy playing though! That's important to me!

Hunter's Game was at noon. Today's game was one of the best games so far this season! The first quarter started out rough ... then they held their own ... then they struggled again. With 1:06 left in the game they were down by 12. They really, really hustled it and were down by 2 with 36 seconds left. Then we fouled the other team and they made both shots so the ending score was 52-48.

Hunter during the tip off! He got it ... but unfortunatly tossed it in the direction of the other team!

This is Hunter and one of his good friends, Brandon.

My patience was tried during the game. There was a lady (mom) sitting two rows behind me that served as the commentator for the entire game. "C'mon boys! D up!" "They're not even playing any defense (to the lady sitting with her)." Imagine having to hear these (and many other equally annoying) comments for 45 minutes straight. Oh! .... my favorite was, "Let's pretend we're a little bit athletic!" I wanted to offer her a nice hot cup of "Shut the hell up!" but didn't want to be "that woman" who caused a scene at the basketball game. Turns out she is the mother of the coach's kid. When I told Hunter about how annoying she was he said, "Maybe that's why it is Coach Joe's EX wife!"

Here's a video of Hunter getting knocked to the ground. He's #5, but I guess you will figure out which kid he is when you see someone hit the floor!

After the game we headed home and I got myself all psyched up to clean the dungeon. It was unsafe for the dog even (that's where he eats). It only took about 5 hours (I say 'only' because it was pretty bad! Think 'Clean House' bad!). Finally a little after midnight I called it a night and started thinking about what I could tackle on Sunday!

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