
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dayne's Birthday Party at World's of Fun

Dayne invited three of her friends to join us for a day at World's of Fun!

We (including Hunter and his friend, TJ) headed to WOF around 12:30 Saturday afternoon and prepared ourselves for a long day - lots of fun, but it lots of walking and lots of time spent standing around waiting in line!

Lauren's mom and dad met up with us at the park and strolled around with us. It was helpful to my sanity to have two other adults to help me keep an eye on four wild 10 year olds!

The weather was *perfect*! About 80 degrees with a slight breeze at all the right times!

Below is our day in pictures!

The girls "monkey-ing" around.

The Prowler is the newest ride at WOF. It is a wooden roller coaster - and much smoother than the typical wooden roller coaster. Dayne was quite scared at first ... but eventually gave in to the fun! The picture above (red box) shows her while still in the frightened stage!

The girls on the way down on the Monsoon Ride! That is them in the front row!

Funny story here: This is the girls in line to ride the Patriot (a floor-less roller coaster that turns upside down and has many loop-de-loops! It ROCKS!). We all wait in line for about 30 minutes and as soon as we get our turn, all the girls bailed on us and it was just me and Lauren's mom on the ride! Silly girls!
Taylor - Parker - Lauren - Dayne

The girls after enjoying a Blue Raspberry Icee!

The girls on the Skyliner Ferris Wheel. Two went in the cart on the top and the other two went in the cart on the bottom.

We left the park about 10:45 and got home about 11:30. Of course, the girls all fell asleep on the way home, but as soon as we got home they were ready for birthday cookie-cake and ice cream! I tried to convince them to just go to bed and we'd have cookie-cake and ice cream for "breakfast" ... but, I lost that battle. So, there we were .... singing "Happy Birthday" to Dayne at midnight!

Very shortly after cookie-cake, the girls settled down and called it a night. They slept in until almost noon! Guess they were tired little girls!

Thank you to Lauren, Parker and Taylor for joining the party!

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