
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dayne's Volleyball Games 2 & 3

Dayne had two volleyball games this weekend - one on Friday night and one Saturday morning.

Friday's game she played the team that of her good friends, Parker, is on.  They were a pretty good team and the Swagmasters weren't able to hold their own, losing all three games.  : (

Even though the lost, I think they played real well as a team - a key component to any successful team that will prove to be an asset!

Some snapshots of Friday's game:

Saturday's Game

The girls played Saturday morning at 11:20 and it seems the rest did them some good!  Dayne played exceptionally better - she dove for the ball three times!  It was great to see her get down to save the ball! 

The team's extra efforts paid off and they won one of the three games.  Dayne, who has never expressed a competitive bone in her body, was pretty frustrated with losing two games (and three the night before).  It was refreshing to see, actually!

Some snapshots from Saturday's game:

One of the three dives of the game!
Spring break is this week so no games this upcoming week (plus, she will be soaking up the sun on Dog Island!).  Looking forward to the next game to see what she will push herself to do!

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