
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh! The torment of a Right Footed Austinbunionectomy!


I spoke too soon and bragged too much about what "not a big deal" my bunion surgery was.  I firmly believe I am being punished for implying I was tough enough to handle *another* bunion surgery.

On the 6 week anniversary of my left foot bunion surgery, I had my right foot done.  It was supposed to simple -- a repeat of how smooth and (virtually) pain free the left foot surgery went.  I now can appreciate all the horrid comments and stories people felt so inclined to share with me about how awful their bunion surgeries went.  I do vow not to frighten people with mine, though!

Monday morning I checked into the surgical center at 8:30 ... ready as ever for my 10:30 appointment with Propofol - "milk of amnesia", as it's called.  This is the heavenly little concoction that allows one to sleep through scalpels and bone saws and such ...

Given that I was led to believe that the pin that was in my (left) foot could be removed at 6 weeks, I suggested (twice, after my doctor dismissed me the first time!) that he take the pin out of my left foot while he had me knocked out fixing my right foot.  He didn't give the impression that he agreed with my logic, so I was (pleasantly!) surprised when I awoke a little after 11:00 and Graden told me they took the pin out.  That pin had become a pain in my ... foot that was becoming intolerable and making me whiney!

As I was coming out of my *awesome!* nap, Graden sat patiently next to me ... doing his best to cope with the horrible noise coming from the recovery space next to mine.  I was still kind of sleeping when I asked (no one in particular) 'What the {"f"} is her deal?'  Graden tried to shhush me, explaining she was 99 years old and had been intubated and was trying to cough out the tube (that was no longer there).  Even Graden said she sounded like a goat.  I was probably too loud in my initial statement, as well as my follow up comment, "Well, making that noise isn't changing anything."   In hindsight it was kind of rude of me to say out loud, but in my defense ... it was the milk of amnesia talking.

After proving that I could keep my 7Up and Peanut Butter crackers down, I was given the go to go home, along with brief instructions on what to do, not to do, etc.  Namely: don't walk on my foot without my oh-so-sexy "ProCare" boot.

We got home a little after noon and I got settled into the LaZBoy for an afternoon of drifting in and out of naps ... basking in those last few hours of warm and fuzzies that doses of anesthesia brings!

I had planned to return to work on Thursday, but it quickly became evident that that was too aggressive and I would be an idiot if I pushed myself to do that.  Tuesday afternoon I sent my boss an email asking to extend my time off and come back on Monday.  He wished me well and assured me that'd be okay.  And I have such an awesome team of people working with & for me, that I have no doubts they can take care of my business while I am out!  That is priceless!

My friend Beth brought me flowers to brighten my day and I loved all the well wishes text messages and emails.  A girl can be made to feel lucky for all she has with this sort of treatment!

If you are in for a semi-gross, Frankenstein-esque photo of what my foot looks like, see below.  If not ... then politely close down this window!  I am hopeful that this heals quickly so that I am healthy and easily mobile for Hunter's graduation party on May 13th.  Wish me luck and send my foot good ju-ju vibes!

The green ball on my left foot is the top of the pin // The "V" shape will no longer be there after my right foot heals! (normal feet would offer more of an " | " shape).

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