
Friday, May 18, 2012

Hunter Hansen: Class of 2012 - All Graduated!

All that stands between the graduate and the top of the ladder is the ladder. ~Author Unknown

Well, the big day hath arrived: Hunter is no longer a high school student!

On Wednesday, May 17th at 7:00pm, the graduation ceremony for the Lee's Summit West Class of Two Thousand Twelve took place and Hunter joined 420 of his peers and graduated!

We are so thankful for all who traveled to share this super special day with us! My mom, traveled from Chesapeake, VA; my dad and step mom traveled from New Hartford, IA; Graden's sister and her two kids traveled from Evansdale, IA and Graden's mom traveled from Joplin (where she's been staying since early March to help with the medical care of her sister).

Everyone joined us for dinner (well, everyone except Hunter, oddly enough!) before the ceremony.  We enjoyed grilled pork chops, fresh baked broccoli, corn bread & beer bread, mom's tater salad and deviled eggs!  Perfect 'summers comin' dinner!

My step-mom, Susan, my dad, Paul and me
Me and my mom, Nancy
Hunter and Papa
Hunter and Nanny

Hunter and Nana
Hunter and his Aunt "Gretchie"
All the Cousins

The Hansen Family - Proud of Hunter!
Hunter and Ashley (his lil' lady friend ;) )
After the graduation ceremony, the kids went to "Project Grad" - - a school sponsored/funded "party" for the kids to go to.  This makes sure they make good decisions after their big day .... and have a chance to win prizes! Hunter won $50!

1 comment:

CreativeChretin said...

Congratulations to Hunter! How exciting. BTW, your photos are lovely. :)