
Sunday, July 29, 2007


Dayne had her BFF, Lauren, stay the night last night. They stayed up 'til 2:30am watching High School Musical and surfing the net looking for cute puppies, dolls and dressing up Hannah Montana!

I finally woke them up about 11:30 this morning ... with the help of Oz!

We went to the pool and Dayne and Lauren had a blast! They even took me up on a challenge to meet a new friend ... okay, I had to bribe them with Dairy Queen. : )

Hunter's Summer

Poor Hunter! He has been busy every morning (except Fridays) since school got out! He attended weight lifting training for the past 8 weeks. Last week he attended football camp to focus on football plays and training. Both camps are hosted by the local Junior and High school coaches.

Other than having to get up at 7am to attend camp, Hunter has seemed to enjoy the camps and they have really paid off! He is a nice, buff 150 lbs now! He is as tall as I am (5' 8"), his hands are bigger than mine and he can wear Graden's shoes! Between the working out and being in the sun, he's a nice buff, tan young man!

Crazy to think how big my baby is getting!

School starts on August 22nd and he is already dreading it. I suppose we can all remember what those days are like. He likes school, but also likes the freedom to sleep in and do as he pleases! He stays very busy playing neighborhood baseball, swimming and just hangin' out with his friends - TJ, Zach, Alex and Matt.

Aside from the family vacation to Dog Island, FL, Hunter has gone to TJ's lake house with his family. He keeps busy and some days it seems he only comes home to eat and sleep!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dog Island, Florida Vacation

What is Dog Island? I am sure you are asking this so let me tell - and SHOW - you all about Dog Island!

Dog Island is located in the northwestern Florida Gulf coast partly sheltering St. George Sound and Apalachicola Bay. It is the eastern-most part of a chain of barrier islands located off the northern panhandle of Florida. The island is small (7 miles long, 1 mile wide) and remote, accessible only by boat, ferry or airplane.

Graden's aunt and uncle (right) own a cottage on the island and were gracious enough to host us from July 9 - 13. It was one of the best vacactions I have ever had ... and certainly the most relaxing! Our days centered around eating, going to the beach, playing cards, watching the storms roll in and out, eating, going to the beach, chit-chatting, eating, going to the beach .... I think you get how it was relaxing!

Let me show you the island ...
Upon arrival to the island there is a sign with the rules of the island as well as some information about the island and island contacts.
Ashleigh, Gretchen, T.J. and Tiffany

The cottage as viewed from the beach.

The roads on the island. There was not one paved road, in fact, there was only one road and it was made completely of soft, white sand!

We showered in an outside shower. The water had an interesting (read: sulpher) odor, but I decided that just added to the whole experience!

During our stay on the island we encountered two scorpions! They were little (less than 2 inches) but still very unwelcome!

The kids playing cards, waiting for the afternoon storm to pass by.

Dayne and TJ, buried in the sand!

Graden and Hunter went fishing and ended up catching a baby Blacktip Shark! One of several, I later learned.

This is the pond the island 'gator lives in. There are two small ponds on the island that the 'gator travels to and from. He minds his business ... and we mind ours!

Dick and Graden relaxing on the porch, watching the waves come in and out. No doubt they were talking about their plans for the next fishing expedition ...

Dayne taking a nap on the beach. She dug her a little spot lay her weary little head (or, she might have been pouting because the boys wouldn't play with her. It was hard to keep up at times!).

Even Graden took a little time to play in the sand ... and go for a swim with his favorite nephew, T.J.

Big Sissy and Lil' Sissy! XOXOXO

Taking a break from the sun ... Dayne slowed down to take a nap in the swinging chair.

The kids learned to drive ... well, sort of. They all took turns driving the go cart. Hunter did a great job but the "babies" had some struggles. TJ did a 90 degree turn ... I swear the cart was on two wheels at one point! When Dayne got her chance to drive the cart, she refused to listen to Hunter and take her foot off the gas pedal so we came flying into the drive and almost took out the flamingo in the yard! I had to physically remove her foot from the gas pedal to save the flamingo! Needless to say, it was hysterical!

During our stay on the island we had a very special visitor - The Tooth Fairy! T.J. lost his first (and second!) tooth while on the island! T.J. was very impressed and happy that the Tooth Fairy would travel all that way!

This is just a picture of my foot! This represents the relaxing time I had!

: ( .... we depart Dog Island ... this is the ferry that took us back to the mainland (Carrabelle, FL).

A very special thank you to Dick and Marilyn for sharing their wonderful beach cottage on Dog Island with us. This was the best family vacation we have ever had!

{{ Hugs }}