
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Hunter's Summer

Poor Hunter! He has been busy every morning (except Fridays) since school got out! He attended weight lifting training for the past 8 weeks. Last week he attended football camp to focus on football plays and training. Both camps are hosted by the local Junior and High school coaches.

Other than having to get up at 7am to attend camp, Hunter has seemed to enjoy the camps and they have really paid off! He is a nice, buff 150 lbs now! He is as tall as I am (5' 8"), his hands are bigger than mine and he can wear Graden's shoes! Between the working out and being in the sun, he's a nice buff, tan young man!

Crazy to think how big my baby is getting!

School starts on August 22nd and he is already dreading it. I suppose we can all remember what those days are like. He likes school, but also likes the freedom to sleep in and do as he pleases! He stays very busy playing neighborhood baseball, swimming and just hangin' out with his friends - TJ, Zach, Alex and Matt.

Aside from the family vacation to Dog Island, FL, Hunter has gone to TJ's lake house with his family. He keeps busy and some days it seems he only comes home to eat and sleep!

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