
Saturday, September 22, 2007

What an exciting life I don't lead

Graden is off to Stockton Lake again this weekend - this time for a tournament. I talked to him a little while ago and it sounded like he had a pretty decent day ... let's hope for a perfect day tomorrow!

Today the kids and I went to Heritage Park in Olathe, KS for a picnic for my work. It was pretty fun ... the kids had fun playing with all the other kids. They played kickball, football and even an egg toss!

That was kind of draining so we all came home and took a little nap, then cleaned the house, did laundry and watched Forrest Gump. I still cry when he is talking to Jenny at her grave site. : (

Not much planned for the rest of the weekend ... Hunter will be watching the Iowa football game tonight so maybe Dayne and I will get a movie to watch, too. I watched the movie "The Break up" last night ... it was pretty good. A decent way to kill two hours anyway.

Well, if we do anything profound over the next 24 hours I will be sure to update the blog!

Hugs to all,

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Hey, I cruised by Forrest Gump, too..It was the part were he is in DC and Jenny's boyfriend hits her and Forrest tells her she could come ome to Greenbo, AlaBAMA! I love it!