
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

Dayne was a High School Musical Cheerleader and Hunter was a ... pimp. I know, what a great mother I am to allow such a thing. I think I am way past any chances of winning "Mother of the Year" award, so what the hell!

Dayne and her BFF Lauren trick or treated in our neighborhood while Alberta and I walked along.

Hunter and his BFF TJ went to a friends house to play football and a little bit of Trick or Treating. He tells me they behaved ... I can only hope that was the case.

My work peeps!

I love my work peeps! We had a blast at work today ... although I did even manage to get some work done!

This is Shawn (who was my boss before I was promoted to Manager) doing the Soulja Boy. I dubbed it the "Hoyja Boy" (his last name is Hoy).: )

This is Me, Barb, Crisha, Matt, Shawn and Beth. Matt was uber creepy.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Free Ashley Tisdale Concert = 5,000 Screaming Girls

Ashley Tisdale is in town and was at the Independance Mall tonight so Alberta, Lauren, Dayne and I went to see her. I expected complete chaos, but it wasn't too bad actually! Here are some pics and a video from tonight!

Trista .. I am sure you are the only one who appreciates what an exciting ordeal tonight was!

Dayne and her BFF, Lauren.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Just fooling around

Hunter .... a rather funky pimp.

Dayne's 3rd grade school picture.

I got a new camera ... just having fun. : )


Plans for this weekend - -

I am meeting my BFFs from High School in Des Moines for al all girl weekend! I am so excited! Graden is thinking about going "home" to Waterloo to go hunting and to bring Donna back with him, but he isn't 100% certain yet.

I will be sure to post pics from my weekend with the girls!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Rascal Flatts

Dad & Susan came down yesterday for the Rascal Flatts concert! They got here a little before 5:00 and we left about 6:00 for the concert (that started at 8:00) at the new Sprint Center.

Jason Aldean was the opening act - he was pretty good! Several of his songs sounded familiar, but the only one I was able to sing along to (lucky for all those around me) was "Johnny Cash".

The Flatts took stage about 9:15 and lasted for a little over an hour - pretty good show!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

A to Z survey ... just something fun!

A-Z Survey cause theres nothing better to do

A - Available: no
A - Age: 31
A - Annoyance: apathy

B - Bestest Friend[s]: Jennifer, Trista, Kim, Gretchen
B - Birthday: Aug 6
B- Band: Justin Timberlake (yes, I know he's not a band but I LOVE him!)

C - Crush: See "Band" ... and of course my hubby XOXO
C - Car: '07 Cadillac CTS
C - Candy: chocolate

D - Day or night: Night.
D - Dream Car: Jet Black or Yellow Mustang
D - Date: Dinner alone with Graden

E- Easiest person to talk to?: Donna (mother in law)
E- Eggs: Over medium
E- Excited for: Trip to Des Moines in November with my high school BFFs!!

F - Favorite Month: June
F - Favorite color(s): Yellow
F - Favorite Memories: birth of my kiddos, wedding day and trip to Cozumel

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms
G - Giver or taker: I hope a healthy balance
G - Gum or Mints: Gum

H - Hair Color: Blonde with brown low lights
H - Height: 5' 8"
H - Happy: Yes

I - Ice Cream: Boston Cream Pie from Cold Stone Creamery
I - Instrument: Does my nose whistle count?
I - Intelligent or Rich: Intelligent

J - Jewelry: wedding ring
J - Job: Anything where what I do makes a difference to someone's life
J - Jail: Only when my mom took me there when I was 11 (stole candy)

K - Kids: 1 boy 1 girl
K - Kickboxing or Karate: Kickboxing (I suppose?)
K - Kindergarden: I miss mandatory nap time!

L - Longest Car Ride: Iowa to Arizona
L - Lover or hater: I can be both at any given time. I AM a woman after all!
L - Logic or Reason: logic

M - Milk Flavor: Strawberry
M - Most missed person: All my family and friends
M - Movie: All the typical chick ones

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Number of Tattoos: 1
N - Name: TiffyHan

O - ONE WiSH: To be a great parent and lead my kids in a direction in life that leads them to a happy life
O - One Phobia: I am sure I have one, just haven't encountered it yet
O - One regret: None; all my life decisions have lead me to where and who I am.

P- Pet Peeves: Open drawers and cupboards (when they dont need to be open!)
P- Part of your appearance you like best?: My hair?
P- Part of your personality?: My concern for others' well being

Q- Quote: Make a decision and go with it
Q- Quick or Slow: Quick. See my quote.
Q - Quitter or Leader: not sure how these relate? I quit sometimes, if I can recognize it isn't worth the effort.

R - Reason to smile: When Dayne hugs and kisses me for no reason
R - Reality TV Show: Rock of Love (although it's over now)
R - Reason to cry: I feel defeated a lot

S - Song Last Heard: Lovestoned (by my boyfriend of course!) on my ring tone
S - Season: Summer
S - Shoe: Flip Flops

T - Time you woke up: Today was a great day to sleep in ... it was storming ALL morning. Good storms - loud thunder, lightening, raining hard for hours ... so ... (sheepishly) 10:45am
T - Time Now: 2:32pm
T - Time for bed: 11pm

U - U love someone: Lots of someones
U - Unpredictable?: No
U - Underwear: boy cut

V - Vegetable you hate: asparagus
V - Vacation spot: to date is Cozumel
V - Vegetarian: Nope! I love to eat flesh!

W- Worst Habits: Procrastinate. "Why do today what I can do tomorrow?"
W- Where are you going to travel next?: Des Moines, IA
W- Weather right now: cloudy, rainy

X - X-Rays: Nope, i dont have that good of vision
X- Ex boyfriend: Can't remember them ... been with Graden for almost 16 years!

Y - Year you were born: 1976
Y - Year it is now: 2007
Y - Yellow: my favorite color

Z - Zoo Animal: Penguins