
Saturday, October 13, 2007

A to Z survey ... just something fun!

A-Z Survey cause theres nothing better to do

A - Available: no
A - Age: 31
A - Annoyance: apathy

B - Bestest Friend[s]: Jennifer, Trista, Kim, Gretchen
B - Birthday: Aug 6
B- Band: Justin Timberlake (yes, I know he's not a band but I LOVE him!)

C - Crush: See "Band" ... and of course my hubby XOXO
C - Car: '07 Cadillac CTS
C - Candy: chocolate

D - Day or night: Night.
D - Dream Car: Jet Black or Yellow Mustang
D - Date: Dinner alone with Graden

E- Easiest person to talk to?: Donna (mother in law)
E- Eggs: Over medium
E- Excited for: Trip to Des Moines in November with my high school BFFs!!

F - Favorite Month: June
F - Favorite color(s): Yellow
F - Favorite Memories: birth of my kiddos, wedding day and trip to Cozumel

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms
G - Giver or taker: I hope a healthy balance
G - Gum or Mints: Gum

H - Hair Color: Blonde with brown low lights
H - Height: 5' 8"
H - Happy: Yes

I - Ice Cream: Boston Cream Pie from Cold Stone Creamery
I - Instrument: Does my nose whistle count?
I - Intelligent or Rich: Intelligent

J - Jewelry: wedding ring
J - Job: Anything where what I do makes a difference to someone's life
J - Jail: Only when my mom took me there when I was 11 (stole candy)

K - Kids: 1 boy 1 girl
K - Kickboxing or Karate: Kickboxing (I suppose?)
K - Kindergarden: I miss mandatory nap time!

L - Longest Car Ride: Iowa to Arizona
L - Lover or hater: I can be both at any given time. I AM a woman after all!
L - Logic or Reason: logic

M - Milk Flavor: Strawberry
M - Most missed person: All my family and friends
M - Movie: All the typical chick ones

N - Number of Siblings: 1
N - Number of Tattoos: 1
N - Name: TiffyHan

O - ONE WiSH: To be a great parent and lead my kids in a direction in life that leads them to a happy life
O - One Phobia: I am sure I have one, just haven't encountered it yet
O - One regret: None; all my life decisions have lead me to where and who I am.

P- Pet Peeves: Open drawers and cupboards (when they dont need to be open!)
P- Part of your appearance you like best?: My hair?
P- Part of your personality?: My concern for others' well being

Q- Quote: Make a decision and go with it
Q- Quick or Slow: Quick. See my quote.
Q - Quitter or Leader: not sure how these relate? I quit sometimes, if I can recognize it isn't worth the effort.

R - Reason to smile: When Dayne hugs and kisses me for no reason
R - Reality TV Show: Rock of Love (although it's over now)
R - Reason to cry: I feel defeated a lot

S - Song Last Heard: Lovestoned (by my boyfriend of course!) on my ring tone
S - Season: Summer
S - Shoe: Flip Flops

T - Time you woke up: Today was a great day to sleep in ... it was storming ALL morning. Good storms - loud thunder, lightening, raining hard for hours ... so ... (sheepishly) 10:45am
T - Time Now: 2:32pm
T - Time for bed: 11pm

U - U love someone: Lots of someones
U - Unpredictable?: No
U - Underwear: boy cut

V - Vegetable you hate: asparagus
V - Vacation spot: to date is Cozumel
V - Vegetarian: Nope! I love to eat flesh!

W- Worst Habits: Procrastinate. "Why do today what I can do tomorrow?"
W- Where are you going to travel next?: Des Moines, IA
W- Weather right now: cloudy, rainy

X - X-Rays: Nope, i dont have that good of vision
X- Ex boyfriend: Can't remember them ... been with Graden for almost 16 years!

Y - Year you were born: 1976
Y - Year it is now: 2007
Y - Yellow: my favorite color

Z - Zoo Animal: Penguins


Andrea Dellit said...

yea! I'm glad you're back! I like this layout better :-)

Did you make up this survey or did it come already with the topics and you just filled in?

BTW, you're picture is cut off..only Graden is showing

Andrea Dellit said...

did you get a new car? And I love JT, too :-)