
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Storms, storms go away!

I love thunderstorms, but I think I am done with them for the season!

At the beginning of April the kids and I had to seek shelter in the basement (even had the mattress ready!) because the tornado sirens were going off .... they went off a few weeks after that ... then the tornado hit Iowa ... then tonight the sirens went off TWICE in one night! Enough already, Mother Nature! We get it - - you're pissed at us!

Here is a picture (of the TV) of one of the tornadoes which started to form tonight. This was not far from our house ... we could hear & see the weather helicopter that was monitoring the progress of the storm. This was a low lying, slowly rotating "ominous" cloud. "Ominous" - - I love that word.

This picture I took from our driveway. Nice wall of the storm, huh?

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