
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Honey, I Don't Think We're in East Wateloo Anymore ...

School has started!!! Yeah! No more "I'm bored .... " whining from the kids (mainly Dayne). I think they are excited to be back in school too, but they'd never admit it!

Dayne is in 4th grade and Hunter is in 9th grade. Hard to believe they are that old already! I had a moment of weakness when I went to register Hunter for 9th grade classes. It hit me that every decision he makes and action he takes from this moment on plays a factor in what the rest of his life will be like. If he gets in a fight at school he could be kicked out ... if he gets in a car with someone "cool" and they drive erratic and crazy ... if he gets drunk at lunch (completely random "if" there ... no way I did that!) ... if he smokes pot and gets busted by the police ... it all determines what his options will be and if he gets to go to certain schools or do certain things or play certain sports. He's quickly heading towards man hood. Wow. Surreal.

The High School hosted an evening for the parents to check out the school and see what their child's schedule will be like. Graden and I both attended and as we were walking through the halls of the school I realized this school is nothing like East Waterloo. (For the record, there is "diversity" here in Lee's Summit, but the school itself is quite impressive). I turned to Graden and told him, "Honey, I don't think we're in East Waterloo anymore." Below is a picture of the back of the school. It is quite pretty as the sun sets on it.

This is the back of the school. I think I'd get lost ...

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