
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend - 2009

This year the Hansen Family visited the Ruestman's for the holiday weekend. Donna, Gretchen and the kids weren't able to make the trip, so it was kind of a quiet, low key weekend!

Hunter had a game Friday night, so we waited until Saturday morning to drive to the lake. It is about a 3 hour drive, so not too bad! We left just after 10:00 and got to the lake just after 1:00.
Our timing was great as a storm had just passed through!
The temperature has been cooler than usual, so we didn't spend as much time in the water as we ususally do! But, we sure did enjoy the company of our host and hostess!
We spent our time fishing, playing on the jet skis, riding bikes, driving the golf cart ... and great food!

Hunter had a football game on Monday afternoon, so we headed for home Monday morning!

Looking forward to our next visit to Grand Lake!

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