
Monday, December 28, 2009

Hansen Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year we celebrated Christmas at home (some years we travel to Iowa) and had Donna, Gretchen, TJ and Kylie visit for a while!

Unfortunately, I had to work so I didn't get to spend much time with everyone, but it was great for the kids to be able to spend Christmas with their cousins!

Santa brought Dayne a moon chair she'd been eyeballing (she says she will read in it!) and Santa brought Hunter money. What else would a 16 year old want? He will use the money to pay off his XBOX.

Sadly, I don't think I took any pictures of the kiddos opening presents (or if I did, I have mis placed the memory card!). No "Mother of the Year Award" in my future, I guess!

Christmas with Papa & Susan will take place in a few weeks!

Wishing Nanny & Patrick were closer so we could enjoy the season with them as well!

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Best Friend's Wedding ... Or Should I Say ...

OUR best friends' wedding?

My Best friend, Jennifer, and Graden's best friend (AKA his fishing wife!) Chris met just over two years ago and got married on December 19th! It was a gorgeous, perfect wedding and we are very happy for our friends! We sure do wish they lived closer so we could watch their marriage grow!

Dayne had a house picked out just across from ours ... she thinks they should move there, have a baby right away and Dayne can baby sit! I second that plan! .... then, if we could just get the Benham Family moved here too - life would be wonderful! Ah ... a girl can wish!