
Monday, December 28, 2009

Hansen Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year we celebrated Christmas at home (some years we travel to Iowa) and had Donna, Gretchen, TJ and Kylie visit for a while!

Unfortunately, I had to work so I didn't get to spend much time with everyone, but it was great for the kids to be able to spend Christmas with their cousins!

Santa brought Dayne a moon chair she'd been eyeballing (she says she will read in it!) and Santa brought Hunter money. What else would a 16 year old want? He will use the money to pay off his XBOX.

Sadly, I don't think I took any pictures of the kiddos opening presents (or if I did, I have mis placed the memory card!). No "Mother of the Year Award" in my future, I guess!

Christmas with Papa & Susan will take place in a few weeks!

Wishing Nanny & Patrick were closer so we could enjoy the season with them as well!

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