
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Weekend of Friends, Dance Shows and Cubs vs. Royals

Not very often do the Chicago Cubs play the Kansas City Royals ... but this summer was one of the rare times it was scheduled to happen!

Being Cub fans and Royals fans, we thought it would be great if we could go to the game and bring Gretchen and the kids along as well!  We booked the tickets, invited our friends Brad and Sarah Baker down for the weekend as well and got the plans rolling!

And then the dates for Dayne's dance recitals were announced and the recital was the same weekend as the game.  That meant Dayne and I wouldn't be able to go and we had two extra tickets.  Knowing that Rocky and Luke are always good for a baseball game, we asked them if they'd like to go in our place and of course, they accepted!

Dayne did a really good job during her dance recital - her first ever!  She started the dance season with two of her best friends - Lauren and Lina - but they had since quit dancing so Dayne wasn't too thrilled that she was alone.  Regardless, she stuck with it and learned some impressive dance moves along the way!

Dayne had two recitals: one on Friday night and one on Saturday night.  The rest of the family was able to attend the Friday night show.

Dayne's first dance recital at Layton's Dance Academy.  She is the 2nd to last on the far right side.
Proud mom and dad after her first recital!
The next day, the day of the baseball game, Oz decided to add some excitement to the day by running off!  He was missing for a few hours, but eventually we found him - right in the neighborhood!  It was clear that whatever he had been doing wherever he was doing it, he had a blast!  He was wet and muddy and, besides giving the look of "I am sorry and ashamed" ... seemed to have had fun!  We were just happy to have him back home!

Dayne, protecting her beloved Oz from anyone who might want to scold him for running off.
After the recital and after the game, the Bakers brought over Wrigley so Dayne could play with her and they could hang out with us for a little while!  Wrigley just loved all the loves and attention that Dayne and Kylie gave her!

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