
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Weekend Haps

After Dayne's volleyball game we had some mother-daughter time and did some shopping (seems that is the only time I can squeeze mother-daughter time out of her these days!).  We did a little shopping at Kohl's for a couple pairs of shorts and Target for a new swimsuit coverup as well as some last minute stuff for her upcoming vacation to Dog Island.  A tradition we have created for any road trip is a batch of puppy chow!  No road trip is complete without it so, of course, I will send a batch with her!

Later that night, I took Dayne and two of her friends (Daphne & Alyssa) to see the movie, "Gone" at the movie theater.  It was time spent with my baby girl (even though she may have been a little disappointed that I joined her for the movie) ... so I enjoyed myself -- and the movie was okay, too!

Sunday was a lazy day - the "Spring Forward" time change coupled with the rainy, cloudy weather made for a perfect day to do nothing!  I did eventually get around to cleaning the house, planned and pre-cooked the week's meals and got caught up on laundry eventually so it wasn't a complete loss!   (I recently discovered a great app and website to help with meal planning - you can enter or import recipes, create grocery lists, plan meals for each day).

Graden had left Wednesday afternoon for a fishing derby at Lake of the Ozarks and got home about 6:15 ... after being gone for so long, I loved kissing him hello! : x

Funny thing is ... right about the time Graden was leaving Lake of the Ozarks Hunter and five of his high school buddies were checking into a cabin (thankfully, it had survived the recent tornado that ripped through Branson!

A few months back Hunter and some of his friends (most of them teammates on his football team) started planning for a few days away for Spring Break and landed on the idea of camping at Lake of the Ozarks State Park Outpost Cabin 6.  This past summer they had gone for 2 days camping / canoeing and loved it so they wanted to do something along the same line.  (During that trip Hunter caught a fish with a stick and cooked it over the fire for the boys to eat.  Hunter explained it wasn't so much to fill them up and provide a meal as it was for the experience and the story!)  That's our boy!

The boys left Sunday about 12:15 and will be back Tuesday afternoon.  I just love that Hunter elects to go with nature on his Spring Break!  Can't wait for him to get back so I can see the pictures and hear the stories of what 6 teenage boys do when on a two day camping trip with no (real) adults!  I am sure the stories of any shenanigans will be shared much, much later .... when they are too old to be punished!

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