
Sunday, August 12, 2007

The kids and I went Miniature golfing this afternoon. It was 100 degrees, so we may have been slightly out of our minds to do it, but it was good for us to get out of the house! We endured the sweat dripping down our backs, off our heads and every other spot on our body. I bet we smelled grrrrrrrrrreat!

After golfing we went to Wal-Mart to make a donation to the Sam Walton estate. Like they need it. Just doing my part to keep the economy going, I guess.

The final score (with 54 being par) was: Dayne - 100, Hunter - 72 and Mom - 71. Who knew I had such golfing talent!??!

1 comment:

Shan said...

You're not supposed to beat the kids mom! Although I usually do...hee hee