
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Party at Trista's!

One of my BFFs from high school, Trista, had a BBQ at her house in Denver, IA this past weekend so the family and I loaded up and headed that way for a great time!

Dayne had a blast playing with all the kids and spending time with her cousin, T.J. They played hide-n-seek, swung on the hammock, jumped on the trampoline and watched Disney Channel! Then stayed up 'til 3am (waiting for the big kids to get home!).

Here are some pictures of the party and of us "out":

Gretchen and I at Trista's house.

Me and Jen-Fer at Trista's!

Kids jumpin' on the trampoline! Jen joined them for a while! She still has tons of energy!

Me and Trista Faye!

Me dancin' out at the big bar in Denver!
Brendan woke up crying while the girls were out. Graden was sweet enough to comfort the little fella and snuggle him back to sleep! I was so proud when we came home to see this! : )
Chris (Graden's BFF) and Jen (my BFF). They started dating about a month ago. They met on their own! We didn't introduce them ... fate landed them together!
The girls! Jen, Gretchen, Me, Trista, Laura and Kim.
The boys playing some sort of back yard game. Might be an Iowa thing ...
The girlies chatting

1 comment:

Shan said...

Sniff Sniff, I didn't know you were in town...