
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend activities

Domestic. That's the word that best describes my weekend! Graden was gone all weekend pre-fishing for a tournament next weekend so I had the house to myself so I planned to do a whole lot of cleaning and work!

But before I did all this work we started the weekend out on a fun note! My boss, Matt, had a party at his house on Friday night so we met all my work buddies and their spouses as Matt's Mansion. We had a very nice dinner and then played the "Not So Newlywed Game." It was a blast! We had to answer questions like which of my friends does Graden find the most attractive (Jen!) and which of his friends I find the most attractive (he thought Adam, but I said Mike). The last question was the best (for the guys): If you were born gay and had to be with one of the men in the room, which would it be? Funny thing is quite a few women chose Graden for their husband, but none of the men chose Graden for themself!

Saturday: Graden left about 7am and I sllllllllllept in 'til about 10:00! Then Dayne and I went to the grocery store, got a whole bunch of groceries (this is a luxury for my family to have a house full of food. I loathe grocery shopping!). When I got home I put the groceries away and then started cleaning the house. I had six loads of laundry that needed folded. Guess what ... I hate folding clothes! Hunter and Dayne each stayed the night at a friends house, so I had the place to myself! I rented a movie and just hung out enjoying the peace and quiet!

Sunday: Again, I slept in a little and then got to work! I cleaned and rearranged the downstairs living room and tried to make it more "manly." I rearranged some pictures, rearranged the furniture and moved the computer and desk from the living room into Hunter's room (eek?). The desk was always messy and a general eyesore! I also hung all of Graden's fishing trophys and some of his fishing pictures! He was pleased when he came home to the renewed "man" room!
Lastly, I cleaned the basement - or the dungeon, as we call it. It was a horrid mess! I had a deocorative bale of hay that Oz got into and must have had a blast throwing it all over the place. There was hay on top of boxes stacked 6 feet high. I have no idea how he got it way up there. I can just picture him on his hind legs, standing, using his front legs to throw the hay all over the place. Asshole dog. It only took me about 2 hours to clean it, but it was a crazy mess and a bit overwhelming to tackle at first! I really should have taken a before and afer picture!
Well, now it is past my bed time and I really need a shower! I have worked waaaaay too hard today and I smell like it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, Graden thinks I'm cute.....:) Isn't that special. I guess I'm assuming you were talking about me when you said (Jen!) I love reading about your life!! I love you.