
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend Events - Sept. 8th

Dayne and I traveled to "the 'Loo" the weekend of the 8th. Gretchen's 32nd birthday was August 25th and she wanted a bunch of her "girls" to get together to go out to dinner and out to the bars afterwards. Graden and Hunter stayed home to do some yardwork (good time for the girls to leave!!)

First we went to Carlos O'Kelly's for dinner then to Casey's 218 Pub for a few drinks, then off to the Pump Haus on Main Street in Cedar Falls. A lot of people watching. My personal favorite of the night (so much so that I violated his rights and recorded him!) was a man in an arm brace who must have not read the lable on his Vicoden bottle when it says not to drink alcohol. He was clearly jacked up on drugs and alcohol. He was the whitest rappin'est characther I have seen in a loooong time!

Enjoy this video of Dayne signing in the car on the ride home Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.