
Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's our anniversary!

June 6th 1992 ... Graden and I went on our first date! 16 years later, we are celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary! Happy 11th Anniversary, My Love! How do I love thee? Let me count (some of) the ways:
  • Your patience
  • The way you chew everything you can get your hands on (i.e. the remote!)
  • That you passed the aforementioned trait onto our son!
  • Your cooking (on the rare occasions you do!)
  • Your sense of style
  • That you send me text messages telling me you love me (I save them!)
  • That you stuck by my side when we found out we were going to be parents
  • Your dedication to your family & your goals
  • Your tenacity
  • That you can't spell for crap! :) And that you have me proof read your articles for work!
  • Your sense of confidence
  • Your passion around politics
  • Your family
  • Your beautiful blue eyes
  • Your feet (I have been accused of "molesting" them!)
  • That you are so wrapped around your daughter's finger
  • I love hearing you laugh and seeing you smile. This is why I watch Major League with you so many times and insist on watching "How I Met Your Mother" and "The Big Bang Theory" with you
  • Your sense of business
  • How you look with your sunglasses on and your hat on backwards
  • Your pride in your yard and your garage
  • Your butt
  • The crazy look you give me when I say something dumb. Sometimes I say dumb things just so you'll give me that look and I have a reason to laugh
  • Your Bill Cosby impression
  • The way you freak out when you watch the Chiefs games (okay, sometimes it is just flat out annoying though
  • That you never tell me no
  • .... and much, much more!

Thank you, Graden for all you do for me and the wonderful inspiration you provide me with. You are a great husband & great father. I feel very blessed to have you in my life. You make me a very happy woman.

All my love,
