
Monday, June 9, 2008

Poor San Souci residents!

Yipes! As glad as we are we don't live in our old house ... our sympathy goes out to the residents of Sans Souci island. The memory of sandbagging and dealing with all the headaches of the flood are still vivid for us!

Things don't look good for the coming days either, as the river is expected to rise more. Even higher than in 99 and in 93. Last update was that the residents were intentionally filling their basements with water to keep it pressurized.

Gretchen is so sweet - - she spent several hours tonight helping sandbag the area in efforts to keep the water at bay. Doesn't look like it will be enough though. : (

Yep, that's our old house!

The view of Sans Souci island from Conger bridge.

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

i was wondering if you had seen that..was wondering what your old house looked like...I'm sure that's something you don't miss worrying about :) isn't it horrible?! Did you hear that part of 218 is even closed?