
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dayne and Friends Enjoy the School Park

I got home early this morning from my week long trip to Virginia, so I had time to take Dayne and 2 of her friends to her (new) school so they could enjoy the playgroud!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Papa

I leave very early tomorrow so I had to say my good bye, "I'll see you later", to Papa this afternoon!

Papa was very quiet today, but pretty lucid. We enjoyed watching Animal Planet, a KungFu Special and many, many more special conversations and re-affirmations of how much he loves us and us, him!
I am so happy for having the chance to spend the past week with Papa!

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Good Day

Today was a good day, overall, for Papa!

Lots of cute moments and sweet conversations, repeatedly affirming to "his Nanny" (Mom) that he loves her, and "I love you, Tiffy" and telling me I am quite a gal (after making his bed with fresh sheets and bedding).

Again I am reminded of what a precious week this has been.

Today's sweetest moment was this afternoon when he reached for the picture of him and Granny and held it up close to him and just stared at it. I was fortunate enough to be able to catch the moment.

A Friday night ritual at the Painter/McConnell home is to eat pizza, so tonight we had a pizza party at the hospital! Papa really enjoyed it! Brian and Patrick joined us for the party!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Papa Gets A Haircut and A Shave!

My step dad, Patrick, played the role of the Barber this afternoon and gave Papa a hair cut and shave! Papa felt like a hundred bucks afterwards and his spirits soared!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Day of School

Tuesday was the kid's first day of school! Dayne started 5th grade (at a new school) and Hunter started 10th grade! (no picture of Hunter, as it was way too uncool to have a picture taken!)

I missed their first day of school, since I am in Virginia, but Graden did a great job making sure they got up and ready in plenty of time!

I Love You TIffy

Such a priceless moment:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Papa Funnies

Names he has called me:

.... my favorite was "Zippy"


When he was trying to get out of bed (repeatedly!) Mom was telling him he could not. She explained she was hard headed, just like her father. Papa replied, 'He must be a hard headed son of a bitch!' ... then grinned really big!


Again ... reminding Papa that he couldn't get out of bed we explained to him that we learned our hard headedness from him ... that he taught us many lessons. His reply, "Yes, but did you have to pay attention to ALL of them?"


While in the ER he was trying to get out of bed (see the pattern here!?) and I reminded him {firmly} that he could not get out of bed, that he'd fall and hurt himself if he did. I said, "Repeat after me: I will not try to get out of bed."

Papa looked away from me ... staring off into space.

I asked him if he was ignoring me. Silence. I asked him again. More silence, accompanied by the slightest jerk of his chin up and away from me, as if to add dramatic flair to the conversation. I asked him if he was ignoring me and he remained silent for a few seconds ... then chuckled ever so quietly. He never did repeat after me!


While getting ready to leave the hospital on Tuesday night, Mom made him repeat after her that he would not try to get out of the bed. He complied. Immediately before we left, she asked if he remembered what he promised and he confirmed, he did. Followed immediately by, "Yes, but I am quite the liar."


The volunteer was explaining the journal the hospital offers to log all questions & visitors, etc. The lady was going on and on and on & Papa made the "talking" gesture with his hands. Then giggled. She got the hint and left. (for the record, she really was over explaining the journal!)



I told papa that Melissa & Rachael sent him hugs & kisses ... and he said, "Good. Deliver!" so I immediately got up & delivered 2 kisses to him!


Papa was staring out his door, intent on something. Then says, "Is that a rubber?"

See below for a pic of what he was looking at. I could see how, in a somewhat confused state of mind, this could be perceived as a rubber dangling from the ceiling.

Too funny! I can still hear him saying it ... voice full of seriousness and confusion as to why the heck a rubber would be hanging from the ceiling.


Not really a funny, per se, but a special moment. We brought a picture of Granny and Papa to the hospital room for him. I showed it to him and asked him:

Me: Do you know who that is?
Papa: Oh, yes!
Me: Who?
Papa: That's her.
Me: Her who? What's her name?
Papa: Shirley.
Me: Do you remember how long you were married?
Papa: 53 years!
Looking at that same picture a while later, he asked if that was in Vegas.

It was.

What a great memory he has! (at times!)



We were talking about what a pain in the ass Melissa and I were when we were kids (FYI: our nick names were "Fire" and "Gas"). He said, "You girls weren't a pain in the ass, per se ..." but never really did expand on what we really were if we weren't a pain in the ass!


One of the volunteers came in to see how we were doing and to offer a journal to keep our questions logged, events logged, etc. Well, it took her about 7 minutes to explain all that ... she kept going on and on and on. After a while, Papa made the "talking" motion with his fingers and thumb and looked from her to me. She stopped talking immediately and I said, "I guess that means he thinks you are talking too much." She got the hint and left right away.


Monday, August 17, 2009

A Surprise Visit to Virginia!

"Papa" had surgery to help with his abdominal aneuryism on August 10th. Things seemed to be going well at first, but then he started regressing .... and it was taking a toll on Mom. So, I came up with the idea to *SURPRISE* her with an unannounced visit!

I called Brian on Friday morning to make sure he'd be able to pick me up on Sunday evening from the airport. Luckily, he was ... and was excited for me to surprise Mom (and Patrick and Papa!).

My flight got in about 6:30 Sunday evening and Brian and I immediately headed to Mom's house. My plan went perfect: As we pulled into the neighborhood I called Mom to see how the day had gone. As I was on the phone with her, I quietly snuck to the front door and knocked on it. When the phone rang, Mom announced to Patrick, "Oh! It's Tiffany" and excused herself to a quieter room, where she could talk. So Patrick was VERY surprised ... how could I be standing on the doorstep if Mom was talking to me on the phone? The look on his face was so priceless!

After grinning really big (and long!) with Patrick, I came in the house (still talking to Mom on the phone) and found Mom on the couch in the den. She knew someone was "here" because she heard someone knock at the door, but didn't know who walked in the front door. It was great, because I could hear in stereo (because I was standing just a few feet from her) as she said, "Oh! Who is here?" ... then it hit her: she was on the phone with her mystery visitor! Two priceless faces in a 15 second time period.

Another priceless moment was when Papa saw me. He has some signs of dementia settling in, so I was worried he may not know who I was. As soon as he saw me he said, in the same chipper tone he has for the past 33 years!, "Hi there, Tiffy!"

Sunday evening was low key ... just getting caught up with Papa and all of us taking in the evening's excitement!

Monday was a pretty relaxed day, planning for another surgery Tuesday (to repair the stent that was placed on the previous Monday) ... until Papa's surgeon / MD called and gave Mom the direct order to have Papa transported to the hospital via ambulance, ASAP. Papa's speech was not that clear, he was dragging his left leg and wasn't as "present" as he had been prior to the surgery. The MD was concerned Papa may have had a stroke.

We got to the ER about 3:30 and played the horrible "Wait and See" game ... waiting for tests to be done, results to be read, doctors to stop by and explain, etc. Finally, about 8:00 Papa was admitted and moved to his room. It was a very stressful night, as Papa did not want to stay at the hospital. He kept trying to get out of his bed (he can't stand alone, let alone walk) and saying "I'd rather go home with you girls to eat dinner." It broke our hearts, because we, too, would have rathered he come home with us!

While we were in the ER, Papa's spirits were pretty good ... certainly giving us plenty of things to chuckle about!

> We were explaining to him that he needed to stay, to get antibiotics into his system, have more tests done, etc. Below is the dialogue we had regarding whether or not he could leave:

Papa: I think we should go.

Me: Well, we can't.

Papa: I have the over powering vote.

Me: Why is that?

Papa: Well ... I just happen to have it.

Posing with his C.H.I.P.S. sunglasses

> Later, a nurse came to check his catheter and decided it needed to be changed. Mom and I left while this was done and upon our return:

Papa: Do you know who this is?
Me & Mom: No.

Papa: This is the woman who puts a tube in your penis.

> For most of the time spent in the ER, Papa's spirits were quite well. I asked him if he wanted to say "hi" to anyone ...

It was a long day ... we didn't get home until almost 11:00 and planned to be back at the hospital early Tuesday morning.

I am so glad I am here to help support my mom ... and gain precious memories of my Papa. He (and Granny) was so great to me growing up ... so many summers spent with them and so many great birthday parties, Christmas visits and presents ... I am so glad to be able to give back in some way.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Dayne's New Scooter!

Dayne was so excited to go out and buy her a new scooter - just like her friend, Lauren's! She looks so cute zooooomin' on by! The little red scooter goes 12 mph!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Canoeing They Went

Graden took Hunter, TJ and Luke (cousin) canoeing today in southern Missouri (Joplin).

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Graden thinks it is important for me to let everyone know that I sliced his foot open with my toe nail.

There. Consider yourselves informed. That's important stuff right there.

No pics to post of "sliced foot".

Visit to the Gym: Part Deux

As soon as I walked in the door tonight, "Tiffany! Are we going to go to the gym tonight!?"

Wow. I'd be lying if I said I thought such excited thoughts about the gym. In fact, I was looking forward to NOT going ... you know, I don't want to "over do" it since I just went last night. Not that my lardy self won't benefit from back to back gym days!

Anyway ... I cooked dinner and then the boys and I headed to the gym for about 45 minutes.

We started with a walk/run on the treadmill. I have to say, I was not as patient with TJ tonight as I was last night. Kid wants to TALK all the time. I could hardly keep breathing, let alone TALK. Finally I told him that I didn't mean to be rude, but ... "let's talk later."

Hunter, looking the part of a Personal Trainer, helping TJ with squatting. I think that's what that is called? Hunter will surely yell at me for saying it wrong ...

The boys are going canoeing all day tomorrow on Shoal Creek in Joplin ... that should be "manly" and fun!

Monday, August 3, 2009

TJ's visit to the Gym

I fell off the exercise wagon about a month ago, but am gonna get back on it! Tonight was my first night back and TJ was excited to go with me (go figure!). Hunter likes to go, too ... so he was kind enough to help TJ with lifting weights, assigning how much weight to use, how to position himself, how many reps to do, etc. (Hunter thinks he wants to be a personal trainer so this was a good test I suppose!).

TJ couldn't believe how much fun (huh?!?) the gym was and is already excited to go back tomorrow night!

TJ was able to leg press 140 lbs!

TJ on the exercise bike. He loved it .... and the fact that there is a flat screen TV with the Disney channel right in front of it didn't hurt!


On another note .... Dayne (who is still in Waterloo with Donna) went to Bible camp tonight with her cousin and her "aunt" Rolo ... Looks like they had a great time getting their faces painted. I am sure that tied into Jesus? Jesus painted faces as a side gig ... maybe?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

TJ's visit to "Hansen Man Camp" for 2 Weeks

On the drive home from Waterloo, Hunter & Graden explained to TJ that he was going to "Man Camp" for the next 2 weeks (of which, TJ took as he'd literally be going to a camp, so we had to set that straight!). As much time as he spends around girls and women, we thought he'd be good to spend some time with men.

Hunter has spent a lot of time with TJ this week ... in fact, he hadn't spent any time with his friends, he has dedicated all of his time to his cousin. A very selfless, impressive act I think for a 15 year old boy! They have been to the pool, played baseball, run practice drills for football, played video games, went on a run ... just to name a few things. They both really seem to be enjoying the others' company. I think this will be a memorable summer for TJ!

In addition to Hunter having some great moments with TJ, I have too! He is a sweet kid, very bright and so well articulated! ... and I discovered he's a Planner! Let me explain: While here, we quickly put him to work - having him cover Dayne's chores (feeding the dog , taking the garbage out and unloading the dishwasher).

Planning alert #1: On Saturday afternoon, as I was folding clothes in the laundry room he says to me, "Tiffany ... do you think you'd be able feed Oz for me? Since the baseball game starts at 7:00, I don't think we will be back in time for him to eat." I clarified that I, too, would be going to the baseball game and that we'd feed him as soon as we got home. I was impressed to see he was thinking ahead!

Planning alert #2: Later Saturday afternoon he looked at the garbage and said, "Tiffany ... I think I will need to take the garbage out about tomorrow morning. Looking at how full it is now and how fast it fills up." Again, he was thinking ahead.

Saturday afternoon I was cooking chicken and TJ kept me company while I was cooking. I was almost done with the last of the Twilight series books, and he, too, enjoys Twilight. He was asking me questions about the books and what happens to each of the main characters. During that coversation we covered quite the array topics: vampires, werewolfs, teenage pregnancy (!!!!), children born out of wedlock, and a few other oddball topics in between. Enteraining, to say the least!

Saturday night we went to a KC T-Bones Baseball game ... good to get out of the house and enjoy a cool summer evening! Unfortunately, the game was very, very boring ... and our team lost 2-0. : ( But, the fireworks after the game were great! : )

The boys enjoyed hot dogs, sodas, cotton candy, kettle corn and fresh homemade strawberry lemonade! Amazingly, they didn't have stomach aches that evening!

TJ shows off is new T-Bones gear - baseball and t-shirt!

The boys watching the fireworks.

The boys are planning a canoeing trip in Joplin, MO later this week .... if Graden can take the day off work and they can get 2 canoes (TJ will be in Graden's). That will be quite "manly" and a good experience, I am sure.