
Monday, August 17, 2009

A Surprise Visit to Virginia!

"Papa" had surgery to help with his abdominal aneuryism on August 10th. Things seemed to be going well at first, but then he started regressing .... and it was taking a toll on Mom. So, I came up with the idea to *SURPRISE* her with an unannounced visit!

I called Brian on Friday morning to make sure he'd be able to pick me up on Sunday evening from the airport. Luckily, he was ... and was excited for me to surprise Mom (and Patrick and Papa!).

My flight got in about 6:30 Sunday evening and Brian and I immediately headed to Mom's house. My plan went perfect: As we pulled into the neighborhood I called Mom to see how the day had gone. As I was on the phone with her, I quietly snuck to the front door and knocked on it. When the phone rang, Mom announced to Patrick, "Oh! It's Tiffany" and excused herself to a quieter room, where she could talk. So Patrick was VERY surprised ... how could I be standing on the doorstep if Mom was talking to me on the phone? The look on his face was so priceless!

After grinning really big (and long!) with Patrick, I came in the house (still talking to Mom on the phone) and found Mom on the couch in the den. She knew someone was "here" because she heard someone knock at the door, but didn't know who walked in the front door. It was great, because I could hear in stereo (because I was standing just a few feet from her) as she said, "Oh! Who is here?" ... then it hit her: she was on the phone with her mystery visitor! Two priceless faces in a 15 second time period.

Another priceless moment was when Papa saw me. He has some signs of dementia settling in, so I was worried he may not know who I was. As soon as he saw me he said, in the same chipper tone he has for the past 33 years!, "Hi there, Tiffy!"

Sunday evening was low key ... just getting caught up with Papa and all of us taking in the evening's excitement!

Monday was a pretty relaxed day, planning for another surgery Tuesday (to repair the stent that was placed on the previous Monday) ... until Papa's surgeon / MD called and gave Mom the direct order to have Papa transported to the hospital via ambulance, ASAP. Papa's speech was not that clear, he was dragging his left leg and wasn't as "present" as he had been prior to the surgery. The MD was concerned Papa may have had a stroke.

We got to the ER about 3:30 and played the horrible "Wait and See" game ... waiting for tests to be done, results to be read, doctors to stop by and explain, etc. Finally, about 8:00 Papa was admitted and moved to his room. It was a very stressful night, as Papa did not want to stay at the hospital. He kept trying to get out of his bed (he can't stand alone, let alone walk) and saying "I'd rather go home with you girls to eat dinner." It broke our hearts, because we, too, would have rathered he come home with us!

While we were in the ER, Papa's spirits were pretty good ... certainly giving us plenty of things to chuckle about!

> We were explaining to him that he needed to stay, to get antibiotics into his system, have more tests done, etc. Below is the dialogue we had regarding whether or not he could leave:

Papa: I think we should go.

Me: Well, we can't.

Papa: I have the over powering vote.

Me: Why is that?

Papa: Well ... I just happen to have it.

Posing with his C.H.I.P.S. sunglasses

> Later, a nurse came to check his catheter and decided it needed to be changed. Mom and I left while this was done and upon our return:

Papa: Do you know who this is?
Me & Mom: No.

Papa: This is the woman who puts a tube in your penis.

> For most of the time spent in the ER, Papa's spirits were quite well. I asked him if he wanted to say "hi" to anyone ...

It was a long day ... we didn't get home until almost 11:00 and planned to be back at the hospital early Tuesday morning.

I am so glad I am here to help support my mom ... and gain precious memories of my Papa. He (and Granny) was so great to me growing up ... so many summers spent with them and so many great birthday parties, Christmas visits and presents ... I am so glad to be able to give back in some way.

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