
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

"But there's two lines!?!?" ... 14 years later

Today my baby boy turns 14! So hard to beleive it's been 14 years since my life was forever changed! Today seems like a good day to reminisce about how we found out about our little, unexpected surprise ...

A friend of mine suspected she might be pregnant so I went with her to Birth Right to take a pregnancy test. I thought I'd take one, too ... "Since I was there." So we get to talking with the little old lady running the place and she is explaining how to read the pregnancy test. She explains one line means you're not pregnant, and two lines means you are. As I look at the test I say out loud, "But .... there's two lines?". Her reply was simple: "Yep." I went to Donna's house immediately afterwards, where Graden was at. When I walked in I just said, "Hi ... Dad." He was speechless for quite a while. Not typical for Graden.

Then came the fear of telling my parents ... but it turned out to be a very easy thing to do. I was leaving for school one morning and stopped in to tell my mom goodbye. It had been about a week since we found out and I knew I'd have to tell her sooner or later, so I went for it. I reminded her that Dad had had a dream a few weeks prior about me being pregnant ... and that it was true. Her reaction was priceless and is one that makes me proud to call her mom: "Congratulations!" That moment went on to epitomize the support we had from all our friends and family. I still feel very fortunate and blessed to have fallen in love with such an honorable man, have such a great support system by our parents and Gretchen and our friends.

Although Hunter may not have been planned, I wouldn't change one thing about it all. He has made us who and what we are.

I will close this sappy posting with the lyrics to my song for Hunter. He should expect to dance with me to this song at his wedding ...

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine

Little one when you play
Don't you mind what they say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine

If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you

From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Happenings

We spent the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Iowa. We arrived on Wednesday evening about 7:30 - after driving through some pretty "exciting" weather. We stayed at Donna's house during our visit! We even had Oz with us!
Thursday morning Graden got up early and went hunting with Thompson (and Oz!) while the girls prepared dinner.
We enjoyed ham, smoked turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, corn bread casseole, fresh green beans, rolls and of course ... pumpkin pie! Hunter was sweet enough to eat with the "babies" (TJ and Dayne will always be dubbed the "babies" - no matter how old they are!).

For the first time EVER I got up early and shopped on Black Friday with Gretchen (probably the last time I do it, too). We hit the stores about 4:20 am and shopped until about 11:00, then we had a great "girls only" lunch at Olive Garden! It was nice spending time with Gretchen and Erica! We even ordered a delicious dessert! : ) Mmmm .... might have to consider shopping next year, if only for the fun company!

One of the bargains I got on Black Friday was Guitar Hero III for Hunter's 14th birthday present. Here is a pic of him jammin' out!

Poor Kylie had a very rough day on Saturday! First, she fell off the bed and hit her face on an dresser drawer that was open (it hit her across the nose and eye socket), then the wicker stand over Donna's toilet fell on her, then she was sliding down the stairs and ended up going head over feet down the stairs .... Good thing she's a tough cookie!

The rest of the weekend was spent just hanging out with family and friends. Saturday night we met the Benhams, Chris and Jen, Chad and Adam for dinner and drinks at the OP. Graden, Adam, Hunter and Chad went to the UNI playoff game earlier that night so Hunter got to hang out with the old people ... not sure he should have been subject to everything he heard at a bar on a Saturday night ...

Sunday we went to my dad and Susan's house to have a mini-party for Hunter's birthday. TJ and Gretchen weren't feeling well, so Donna brought Kylie with her and we enjoyed Donna's home made chicken noodle soup (Hunter's favorite) and a Dairy Queen Blizzard cake!

We headed home Sunday about 6pm and got home about 11pm ... long night, long weekend .... it was good to get home!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We traveled to Waterloo for the long holiday weekend! Wishing happy memomies, good food and tight pants for all our loved ones!

Hugs to all!
~ Tiffany

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fishing update

Graden placed 23rd overall! He started his journey home late yesterday afternoon and should be home sometime this afternoon!

We are very proud of him!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Hunter's First Basketball Game

Today was Hunter's first basketball game of the season. He played the entire game and made some good shots, good blocks and lots of rebounds! He scored 14 points in today's game.

As good as all that sounds, the team didn't have what it took to win the game though. The team they were playing had quite a few big kids - 9th graders I suspect. Hunter said they had to be since they were "ripped and had beards"!

The team has next week off due to the holidays so I guess we will have to wait and see what the next game will bring.
Hunter is the biggest kid on the team so I am sure he will be the team member used for the tip off for each game.Hunter made two of two free throws here! During a team time out.
Final score Game 1: 26-42

Graden made the Day 3 cut! Yeah!

Graden finished day three in 17th (of 222) place so he gets to fish Saturday. This puts him in the position to fish for big bucks (first place is $100K!) and to be able to fish in the Bass Master Classic.

I am so proud of him ... I swear he does everything he sets out to do. There is nothing he can't do!

Final weigh in is today, I will be sure to post the final results!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's the haps?

Hunter started basketball this week. He practices every Wednesday and Friday night from 8:30 -9:30pm. Kind of late, I think especially on a school night. And good thing we don't have an exciting life so this won't have too much of an impact on our social Friday Night Life!

Graden is in Georgia fishing his big tournament. He left last Friday afternoon and will be home this Sunday ... a looooong time away for fishing, but this particular tourney has a lot to offer! The tournament started on Wednesday and is four days long - hopefully. If he places in the top 25 he gets to fish the last two days. As of the end of today (day one!) Graden was in 29th .... sooo close! I am certain he can place well enough to fish days three and four. Here is the site on the tourney details:

Hmmm ... what else has been happening so far this week.

I was sick from Saturday last weekend until just today ... just some sore throat/body aches/headaches but I survived. Other than that, same ol' same ol' ...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Basketball Draft Day

Hunter starts basketball next week so today we had to go for drafting. We were there about two hours while he ran drills and played 5 on 5. I thought Hunter did a decent job, but he said he didn't feel he did. What do I know, I guess ...

Here are some pics and video clips.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Music Concerto!

Tonight Dayne had a music concert at school! Here are some pictures and video!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Girls Only Weekend in Des Moines

I took Friday off and traveled to West Des Moines for a long weekend away - no kids!

I met Trista, Jen and Kim in WDM about 1:00 (I was an hour late ... imagine that!) and the weekend got started! First we went for Mexican food at El Aguila Real then shopped at a nearby Goodwill. I think Kim had never been to one and wanted to buy a swim suit since she forgot hers. Kidding, she didn't want a swimsuit from GW! : )

After lunch we went back to the hotel to figure out what we wanted to do for the rest of the day. We decided to go to a nearby mall for some exercise and shopping and for dinner and evening entertainment to go to the Grand Piano Bistro, where Dualing Pianos were scheduled for an 8:30 performance.

We enjoyed prime rib canapé for an appetizer and a wonderful pasta with a creamy pesto sauce, pine nuts, sausage, zucchini for dinner ... and we sampled quite a few new drinks - my favorite was the Orange Julius! It tasted like the real thing ... with a kick, of course!

After dinner we stayed for a couple hours to watch the Dualing Piano show. I had never been to one so I didn't know what to expect. For those who don't know what it is ... I will do my best to explain. There are two (thus, "dual"ing) piano players who take requests to play songs - ANY song! - and play it on their piano, as well as sing the song. They played Journey, Beastie Boys, Steve Miller Band ... everything! By far, the biggest hit of the evening was Jen's request, Sweet Caroline. Here is some video of her singing along with the rest of the bar:

We left GPB about 11 and headed to meet a friend of mine who lives in WDM - he and I worked together at Affina. Here is a pic of LaVerne and I! He brought along a friend who was uber creepy. He kept saying how hot we all were and couldn't belive we graduated high school in 1994. It was nice to hear all those things, but it'd be better coming from someone who wasn't a) drunk and b) creepy. We went to the Legends which is three bars in one - a sports bar on the first level, a dancing bar on the middle level and a open floor karioke-ish bar on the top level. It was a neat set up! I'd like to go back there if I am ever in W Des Moines.

After all the activites, we wanted Taco Bell (which later proved to be a bad choice for Jen and I!). We got back to the hotel and settled in for the night.

Saturday we had lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and went shopping at the Jordan Creek Mall for a few hours. I got some of my Christmas shopping started anyway! : ) Considering I don't usually start until December 20th, this is progress for this procrastinator!

After shopping we were pooped so we went back to the hotel and watched TV a while and Jen and I took a nap while Kim and Trista checked out the hotel bar. About 7:30 we left and had dinner at Charlie's and then headed over to the comedy club, The Funny Bone to see Roz G. I hadn't heard of her, but she was on Last Comic Standing 4th season and had some impressive credintials - and proved to be well deserved. She had two openers and they were also very funny! We were in the immediate front row - our table was touching the stage - so we were easy prey. Jen fell only slightly into it when one of the comedians started talking about internet dating ... but it wasn't bad.

After the show I asked Roz if we could have our photo taken with her and she replied, "Abso-f'ing-lutely!" So here we are with Roz G. She dubbed us the "pee-pee crew" since we all got up to pee during her performance. : )

After the comedy club we had another hankerin' for Taco Bell so we stopped by for a few tacos and went back to the hotel for night-night.

Sunday morning we lounged around, took our time getting ready and then headed out for one last hoo-rah for the trip - to Village Inn for breakfast. We all left about 11:15 and I got home about 2:15 this afternoon. I can't wait for our next visit .... we are planning for the gang to come visit me in KC!


What did the family do while I was gone? Dayne spent all weekend with Lauren and Hunter spent all day Saturday at a Hunter Safety Course, so he can now legally kill animals I guess. Graden just pittered around the house I think ... and watched the Chiefs lose this afternoon. He leaves on Friday for his big fishing tournament in GA all next week. We are pretty excited to see how this will turn out for him ... I love seeing him involved in fishing again. It reminds me of how dedicated and driven he is to succeed.

Nothing too exciting planned for this week but I will try to post something for my readers!


Here is a video slideshow of all the pics from the trip!