
Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Happenings

We spent the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in Iowa. We arrived on Wednesday evening about 7:30 - after driving through some pretty "exciting" weather. We stayed at Donna's house during our visit! We even had Oz with us!
Thursday morning Graden got up early and went hunting with Thompson (and Oz!) while the girls prepared dinner.
We enjoyed ham, smoked turkey, dressing, sweet potato casserole, corn bread casseole, fresh green beans, rolls and of course ... pumpkin pie! Hunter was sweet enough to eat with the "babies" (TJ and Dayne will always be dubbed the "babies" - no matter how old they are!).

For the first time EVER I got up early and shopped on Black Friday with Gretchen (probably the last time I do it, too). We hit the stores about 4:20 am and shopped until about 11:00, then we had a great "girls only" lunch at Olive Garden! It was nice spending time with Gretchen and Erica! We even ordered a delicious dessert! : ) Mmmm .... might have to consider shopping next year, if only for the fun company!

One of the bargains I got on Black Friday was Guitar Hero III for Hunter's 14th birthday present. Here is a pic of him jammin' out!

Poor Kylie had a very rough day on Saturday! First, she fell off the bed and hit her face on an dresser drawer that was open (it hit her across the nose and eye socket), then the wicker stand over Donna's toilet fell on her, then she was sliding down the stairs and ended up going head over feet down the stairs .... Good thing she's a tough cookie!

The rest of the weekend was spent just hanging out with family and friends. Saturday night we met the Benhams, Chris and Jen, Chad and Adam for dinner and drinks at the OP. Graden, Adam, Hunter and Chad went to the UNI playoff game earlier that night so Hunter got to hang out with the old people ... not sure he should have been subject to everything he heard at a bar on a Saturday night ...

Sunday we went to my dad and Susan's house to have a mini-party for Hunter's birthday. TJ and Gretchen weren't feeling well, so Donna brought Kylie with her and we enjoyed Donna's home made chicken noodle soup (Hunter's favorite) and a Dairy Queen Blizzard cake!

We headed home Sunday about 6pm and got home about 11pm ... long night, long weekend .... it was good to get home!

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