
Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

We had a really fun weekend this Easter weekend! It was a GIRLS only weekend! Gretchen, Kylie and Donna arrived on Thursday night and stayed through Sunday (early) afternoon! TJ stayed home to keep Dennis company and Hunter & Graden went fishing at Table Rock for the weekend!

I took the day off on Friday and Gretchen and I spent most of our weekend scrappin'! We got lots done, too! My cousin, Amy, suggested I post my scrap works, so I have created another blog site that I will (try to) post my scrap works. Check it out!

Dayne had been asking me if I'd take her and a friend to see Hannah Montana's move (appropriately named Hannah Montana - The Movie) so we all (Dayne, Parker, Lauren, Me, Kylie, Gretchen and Nana!) loaded into the van and set out for movie time! Although predicatble, it was a very cute movie. I just like to cherish and hang on to the days she is still into the sweet and innocent things!

Saturday we did some running around - lil' bit of shopping, etc. but mostly just laid back! We all started dieting (low carb diet) so we had a great dinner of Mushroom and Swiss burgers with some delicious sides! I started on April 5th and am down just over 5 pounds! My goal is to lose 33 lbs by my 33rd birthday! Wish me luck! I have had more good days than bad days (as far as urges to eat some bread and cakes!) but have not caved! Go me!!

While we had planned to have the girls dye eggs on Saturday night, we didn't get around to it so we had them do it Sunday morning! They had fun - we had Glitter Dye for them! Shortly after they dyed their eggs they went for the anticipated Egg Hunt in the front yard! Of course, the first thing they did when they woke up was to check out what the Easter Bunny had brought!

Kylie got shoes and crafts; Dayne got a scrapbook kit; Hunter got iPod gift cards and TJ got a CD! And of course ... all of them had enough snacks to satisfy their sweet tooth for the next month!

The Hansen/Peterson girls headed for home about 1:00 Sunday afternoon and once again, the house was quiet! The boys got home about 5 so Dayne and I had a few hours of alone time! That's always nice to have every so often, too!

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