
Thursday, April 16, 2009

The iTouch Drama

Tuesday night Hunter was playing basketball at a friends house with about 8 other kids. He took his iTouch out of his pocket while he played ball, so it wouldn't get slammed against, etc. He set it down and ... fast forward a bit ... it was gone. He never left it ... just took his eye off the darned thing. Of course no one knew where it went, but oddly enough two boys (not friends of anyone there, but just showed up to play ball) weren't around when it was discovered it was missing.

Hunter is so mad ... I think he is beside himself with anger, really. He paid for the iTouch all on his own (birthday and Christmas money) plus all the songs, movies and videos the he has downloaded .... alll gone. Disgusting to think that someone would think it's okay to steal that, but clearly some thug in the making does think it's okay.

I hope to be able to report that it was returned, but we are not exactly holding our breath.

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