
Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July weekend events!

Our friend, Chad, and his daughter, Kylie, joined us for the holiday weekend!

Chad arrived Friday evening and the boys enjoyed a few "pops" (beer) ... and decided on the next day's events.

Saturday we went to the Royals vs Sox baseball game - tickets were only $6! It was a great deal and a wonderful Family Day! The game was at 12:10 and, amazingly!, the Royals won!! After the game we went out for a late lunch/early dinner to a local BBQ joint ... then headed home for a nap! What day isn't great when you fit in a baseball game, BBQ and a nap!?!?

Saturday night was spent in the driveway watching all the (neighborhood) fireworks!

Dayne has been scared to death of fireworks forever, until this year! She was excited to light the firecrackers and smoke bombs! ... we couldn't get her to stop once she started.

Sunday Graden, Chad and Dayne went to St Louis to pick up Kylie, where she had spent the week with her grandparents. They got home about 7:30 ... other than that, a pretty uneventful day. Cleaning, laundry, blah blah blah.

Monday - Dayne's 10th birthday! - we went to the KC Zoo! We saw lots of neat animals, but mostly it was nice to get out of the house and enjoy our company!

We got home about 5:30 and shortly afterwards got ready for dinner: Dayne requested steak and mashed 'taters ... and puppy chow in lieu of birthday cake! She opened her family birthday present - a slushee (shaved ice) maker and an outfit!

So hard to think that my baby girl is in double digits now! We plan to have her birthday party on July 18th with a slew of friends at the local water park and a slumber party!

Busy, but fun, day!

1 comment:

CreativeChretin said...

hey girl, i just wanted to tell you that Mimi really appreciates your emails and blog posts. I was over there today and she was telling me all about your trips and stuff. It makes her happy. Have a good weekend!