
Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Haps in the Hansen Hacienda

Not much really happened this week ... pretty boring, really.

The only little bit of excitement was having Chad and Kylie with us through Thursday afternoon. Dayne and Kylie got to hang out ... and Chad and Graden got to hang out.

Tuesday the guys took the girls to a local fun spot - - Paradise Park for a few hours. They all enjoyed a round of minature golf!

Chad and Kylie headed home on Thursday ... Kylie was missing her house and her animals : (. Dayne can understand that, I think!

Thursday night Dayne stayed the night with her friend Lauren. Well, was supposed to stay the night. 12:38am ... my phone rings and Dayne is in hysterics, "Can you come get me? There was a noise and no one was in the room but Lauren and I .... ." "Yes, Dayne .... I will come get you. I will be there in a few minutes." When I picked her up, she was still crying (almost uncontrollably!). Whatever happened was very real to her and very scary!

Friday night Dayne had Lauren stay the night ... and all was well again, until 12:38am! The girls said they heard a big bang (twice!) and came running into our room. They ended up sleeping on our bedroom floor (Dayne does that frequently!). What are the odds that two nights in a row at the same time they get spooked!? At two different houses?! Girls = drama.

Saturday afternoon Graden headed to Truman Lake for a tournament he is fishing on Sunday. He sold his boat earlier this week, so he is boatless. It makes him a little sad I think! Luckily, his new one is already been ordered so it won't be long before his boat blues are cured!

Hunter headed to Worlds of Fun with some of his friends for the day on Saturday and Dayne had a friend over. I took Dayne and her friend, Parker, to the pool for a little while. Our visit to the pool was short lived though. Right after we got there Dayne got all pumped up to do a front flip into the pool ... and cracked her head on the side of the pool! Ouch! Her face when she popped back up to the top of the water was very frightened! There was no blood and she wasn't feeling sick ... her pupils were normal ... she was going to be okay, but pretty shaken up. She rested for about 10 minutes then decided to swim for a bit. As soon as we got home we put some ice on it and that was the end of the headbanging drama!

Sunday has been pretty quiet ... kids slept in (Hunter is still sleeping as I type this!) and I have been doing some scrapping of our Dog Island vacation. I love to look at the pictures over and over and over ... Sadly, none of them truly capture the essence of Dog Island.

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