
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Papa Funnies

Names he has called me:

.... my favorite was "Zippy"


When he was trying to get out of bed (repeatedly!) Mom was telling him he could not. She explained she was hard headed, just like her father. Papa replied, 'He must be a hard headed son of a bitch!' ... then grinned really big!


Again ... reminding Papa that he couldn't get out of bed we explained to him that we learned our hard headedness from him ... that he taught us many lessons. His reply, "Yes, but did you have to pay attention to ALL of them?"


While in the ER he was trying to get out of bed (see the pattern here!?) and I reminded him {firmly} that he could not get out of bed, that he'd fall and hurt himself if he did. I said, "Repeat after me: I will not try to get out of bed."

Papa looked away from me ... staring off into space.

I asked him if he was ignoring me. Silence. I asked him again. More silence, accompanied by the slightest jerk of his chin up and away from me, as if to add dramatic flair to the conversation. I asked him if he was ignoring me and he remained silent for a few seconds ... then chuckled ever so quietly. He never did repeat after me!


While getting ready to leave the hospital on Tuesday night, Mom made him repeat after her that he would not try to get out of the bed. He complied. Immediately before we left, she asked if he remembered what he promised and he confirmed, he did. Followed immediately by, "Yes, but I am quite the liar."


The volunteer was explaining the journal the hospital offers to log all questions & visitors, etc. The lady was going on and on and on & Papa made the "talking" gesture with his hands. Then giggled. She got the hint and left. (for the record, she really was over explaining the journal!)



I told papa that Melissa & Rachael sent him hugs & kisses ... and he said, "Good. Deliver!" so I immediately got up & delivered 2 kisses to him!


Papa was staring out his door, intent on something. Then says, "Is that a rubber?"

See below for a pic of what he was looking at. I could see how, in a somewhat confused state of mind, this could be perceived as a rubber dangling from the ceiling.

Too funny! I can still hear him saying it ... voice full of seriousness and confusion as to why the heck a rubber would be hanging from the ceiling.


Not really a funny, per se, but a special moment. We brought a picture of Granny and Papa to the hospital room for him. I showed it to him and asked him:

Me: Do you know who that is?
Papa: Oh, yes!
Me: Who?
Papa: That's her.
Me: Her who? What's her name?
Papa: Shirley.
Me: Do you remember how long you were married?
Papa: 53 years!
Looking at that same picture a while later, he asked if that was in Vegas.

It was.

What a great memory he has! (at times!)



We were talking about what a pain in the ass Melissa and I were when we were kids (FYI: our nick names were "Fire" and "Gas"). He said, "You girls weren't a pain in the ass, per se ..." but never really did expand on what we really were if we weren't a pain in the ass!


One of the volunteers came in to see how we were doing and to offer a journal to keep our questions logged, events logged, etc. Well, it took her about 7 minutes to explain all that ... she kept going on and on and on. After a while, Papa made the "talking" motion with his fingers and thumb and looked from her to me. She stopped talking immediately and I said, "I guess that means he thinks you are talking too much." She got the hint and left right away.


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