
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Visit to the Gym: Part Deux

As soon as I walked in the door tonight, "Tiffany! Are we going to go to the gym tonight!?"

Wow. I'd be lying if I said I thought such excited thoughts about the gym. In fact, I was looking forward to NOT going ... you know, I don't want to "over do" it since I just went last night. Not that my lardy self won't benefit from back to back gym days!

Anyway ... I cooked dinner and then the boys and I headed to the gym for about 45 minutes.

We started with a walk/run on the treadmill. I have to say, I was not as patient with TJ tonight as I was last night. Kid wants to TALK all the time. I could hardly keep breathing, let alone TALK. Finally I told him that I didn't mean to be rude, but ... "let's talk later."

Hunter, looking the part of a Personal Trainer, helping TJ with squatting. I think that's what that is called? Hunter will surely yell at me for saying it wrong ...

The boys are going canoeing all day tomorrow on Shoal Creek in Joplin ... that should be "manly" and fun!

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