
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aswegans Visit the Hansens!

Our good friends, Chris and Jennifer Aswegan, are the proud new owners of a Ranger Bass Boat … so it gave them a good reason to come to Kansas City – to pick up their boat!
They arrived Saturday morning about 9:00 (meaning they left just after 3am!) and the girls enjoyed homemade blueberry pancakes (chocolate chip for Dayne!) while Chris went on to Cabela’s to get the boat and get all the details settled (Graden was at Hunter’s football game that had been canceled the night before due to the rain).

After eating a nomtastic breakfast Jennifer and I chatted and watched a little bit of TV … waiting until it was late enough to go to the pool – where we planned to spend most of our afternoon!

We went to the pool a little after 10:30 and hung out until about 1:30 … chatting, swimming, chatting, snacking, chatting, reading, swimming … you get the picture! Great times! A little before 2:00 we headed home for some sandwiches … then headed back to the pool until about 3:30. Jennifer and I came home and watched a movie for a while (“Riding In Cars With Boys”) then Jennifer and Chris – who had since picked up Graden and they went to take the boat for a test drive – headed to their hotel (Chris is allergic to dogs so they can’t stay with us :) to get showered and ready for our big night on the town!

About 6:30 we all left for our night out: dinner and then to the KC Power & Light District (a very now-a-day place!) to watch a friend’s husband play in his Jazz band and then to People Watch (an official sport for us!) while enjoying adult beverages.

We went to Bass Pro Shops for dinner (yes, seriously!) and had a great dinner! After dinner we headed downtown to the Marquee Restaurant and then to the P&L!

A little after midnight we decided it was best to leave the P&L events to the ‘under 30’ crowd and headed home! It was a fun night out … sure wish the Aswegans (who are about 6 weeks pregnant!) lived closer so we could spend more time together!

Looking forward to the next time they can visit us!

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