
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Friday Night .... Not One of the Best for The Hansen Family!

Hunter had a football jamboree on Friday night in Blue Springs (about 20 minutes from our house). About 10 minutes after the game started, it started thunderstorming so the game was put on hold ... thinking that the storm would pass “soon” and the game could resume. After almost an hour of waiting in the rain (torrential at times!) we decided – after looking at the radar map – that the storm was not going anywhere anytime soon and we should head home.

As we were merging onto highway 470 (off 70, by the Independence Center for you local readers!) Graden started to accelerate to blend in with the traffic. Since we were in the middle of a monsoon the road was very slick ... which promptly caused the tires to spin which promptly caused the entire truck to spin. There was a guard rail in our path and we collided with it – taking out six of the posts. The other side of the guard rail is a rather steep hill … so we are very thankful for the well-placed guard rail!

The accident happened about 8:30 and we weren’t able to leave the scene until close to 10:00. All the while … it is raining and thundering to beat H-E-double hockey sticks!

Not sure if the tuck will be a total loss or if it will be repairable – will just have to see what the Ford service department has to say!

At the end of the day … The Hansen Family was served a good reminder of how fortunate we are and very happy that no one was injured.

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