
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Mother's Day 2011

This year for Mother's Day the Hansen Family debated between going to the KC Royals game or fishing at Truman Lake.   After some pondering I decided that since it was a warm, sunny, calm day that I wanted to go fishing with the family!

About 11:30 we all headed out for a day of family time, sunnin' time and fishing!

We arrived at our destiation just before 2:00 and the boys got to work trying to catch some Big 'Ol Pigs!  (Bass, for all you folks who aren't subjected to the endless amounts of fishing shows that we are!)

Hunter aims to get us where we're going!

Ahh ... kicked back and relaxing!

The boys were reeling in the fish pretty steady and even Dayne got a chance to catch a few fish!
... and I got some relaxing time to take some pictures of the beautiful surroundings!

(Graden quipped, "Do you want me to take you back to Truman Lake so you can take more pictures of dead trees?"  I guess he didn't see the beauty of this picture!  His loss!)

We called it a day about 7:45 that evening and headed back in.  On the way out of town Dayne had a hankerin' for Golden Corral so we stopped in Clinton on the way home.  I was quick to make sure Graden knew that didn't count as my Mother's Day meal outing!!

The next day, Mother's Day, we spent the day relaxing and just hanging out.  Any time the kids are getting along is a great day for me!  We enjoyed a meal out at one of my favorite places, Bonefish Grill ... and THAT did count as my Mother's Day meal outing!  It was a weekend that helped me realize all that I have to be grateful for!!

Me and my  Babies (Hunter, 17  Dayne, 11)

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