
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Prom Weekend!

The highlight of this weekend was prom!  Hunter looked "dapper" according to Ashley and Ashley was "stunning" according to Hunter.  What a great combo: Dapper & Stunning!

Hunter holding Grant while Brad & Zach look on.  These are Hunter's closest friends.

Hunter picked Ashley up at her house at 4:30 (I toted along to take pictures at her house) and from there they headed to the Plaza for pictures at the Nelson Atkins Art Museum.  (since I just had foot surgery, I couldn't tag along for that photo session and had to rely on other parents!).

After pictures they, along with 16 other couples, headed to Hereford House on the Plaza for dinner then headed to the dance!

After the dance they all headed over to a friends house to hang out for the night and into the wee hours of the morning.

Sounds like they had a great time!

Besides Prom ... a few other things kept us busy this weekend!

Saturday morning/afternoon Graden worked at Cabela's (part of his sponsorship arrangement) and Dayne had her final volleyball game of the season.  The SwagMasters won all three sets and played a really, really good game.  I think there was more volleying this game than all season!

That's Dayne at the very front, foot just across the white line.

After Graden got home we went to The Other Place in Overland Park, KS with The Boyd's -- Hunter's friend, Zach parents.  They loved the pizza (of course!) and we loved sharing the story of The Other Place and the other locations being so close to "home".

Graden and I sat down and put the finishing planning touches on Hunter's graduation party, taking place just two weeks from today - Sunday May 13th from 2-6 at our house.  I forget how much detail and planning goes into things like that!  It was like reliving wedding planning all over!  Well, probably not nearly as intense, but more so than I thought it would be!

Hunter's last day of school is a week from Wednesday.  So hard to believe.  I think he has mixed emotions about it, too.  He realizes that the easy life that he has known is no more.  After graduation, things get real and every decision is that much more important.  He wants to pick up additional hours at his work, or possibly find a new place of employment that will offer him more hours now and while he is in college as well.  His college, Avila University, is only 17 miles from home,but with the cost of gas these days he can't go back and forth between home and class and work so hopefully he can find something that will make the combination work!  His friend, Zach, is also going to Avila so hopefully they can carpool and save gas money!

We register Hunter for classes in June .... sorta anxious for that.  I have complete confidence in him, though.  He is such a smart kid and I look forward to celebrating all he will accomplish over the next 4-8 years of college.  Right now, he is planning to go to school to be a Pharmacist and the college is attending is well known for it's Pharmacy program.  It's a private university so we are quite thankful that 1) he was accepted (their acceptance rate is only 42%) and 2) they are offering him $11,000 / year in academic scholarships.  He is taking the ACTs again in June and if he can get one point higher (a 27) they will give him $1300 more per year.  They offered him a football scholarship of $4,000 / year, but after much consideration he declined the offer.  We looked forward to watching him play football for four more years, but at the end of the day had to respect his decision.

I head back to work tomorrow after a week off after my right foot surgery.  Right now I have two mummy-looking feet!  I go to the doctor on Tuesday and hope he clears me to resume regular activity and shoes for my left foot!  I can't wait to soak it in warm soapy water!

Here's to a great week full of blessings!


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