
Monday, May 7, 2012

Dayne's Bathroom Makeover!

For quite some time I have known that Dayne's bathroom needed painted and freshened up a bit.  Knowing that we were having Hunter's graduation open house in a couple weeks and we'd have lots of house visitors, I thought now was as good a time as any! 

Despite the fact that I had bunion surgery just two weeks before, I make plans to surprise Dayne with a bathroom makeover!  I didn't tell her what colors I'd be doing ... just that I was going to paint her bathroom.  She had begged me to do black and white and pink, but I was reluctant - - thinking that it's only going to be a year or so and she will be over this color scheme.  However, I caved and went for it!  Black on the one large wall, white on two opposite walls and "First Kiss" pink on the other large wall!  I talked myself into this thinking that when the day comes she is over this color scheme, I can paint the pink red or grey and have an adult themed bathroom!

What made this color scheme especially fun is that the black paint is actually chalkboard paint!  Dayne and her friends commonly use whiteboard markers and write messages on her mirror, so I thought this would be a happy blend!  Some fun, personalized messages from her friends (and mom!) and a fun color scheme she'd been asking for!

Like with most things I get involved in, updating the bathroom colors wasn't without incident.  The mirror she had in her bathroom was 48x44 and easily slid out of the fixtures.  Easy slid out, yes.  Stay in one piece?  I learned that would not be the case.  I didn't drop the mirror, but it did snap in two.  One piece was about 10" in width and the other was about 38" in length.  Doesn't sound that complicated until I specify that I was alone while doing this and that meant that I had to finagle holding each single piece with just one hand!  Sounds easy, maybe ... but it was not!  I had horrible, bloody images of the mirror sliding out of my hand and shaving the front of my front leg off or landing on my still healing feet!  I had about two nanoseconds to decide just how I was going to get out of this mess!  I am not sure how, but somehow I managed to set each piece down gingerly and without any massive blood loss! 

After the paint job was finished, Graden went to Lowe's to get a new mirror.  He gets it all unloaded and ready to hang ... and then I pointed out that it was cracked.  Graden loaded it up and headed back to Lowe's for a replacement mirror.  As he tried to hang it, he couldn't figure out how to get it to be flush with the wall and hang right.  After some creative thinking and hanging techniques, we used some of those easy 3M Snap-n-Lock hangers.  Problem solved.  .... for about an hour.  As we were sitting in the living room watching television, we heard a very loud crash.  Graden checks on Hunter, makes sure he is okay (he was upstairs in the kitchen) ... then wanders into the bathroom to find the new mirror has fallen off the wall, ricocheted off the (newly painted!) wall and shattered.  What a great way to spend a hundred bucks, right!?  Since the frame was still perfectly in tact, we are able to use it and just have a new piece of mirror installed.  So, as of current, the bathroom doesn't have a mirror, but should have one in a week or so.  I am sure Graden will make a different decision on how to hang this one!  Third time is the charm, right!?

All in all, it looks real cute and Dayne loved it!  She really loved the chalkboard idea and, as you can see from the pictures, her visitors take advantage of leaving her a message!

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